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  1. ghost>boogie on

    The HI

    ^spot on. i'm running my UD with the TekPower at those same numbers. it kicks ass. my two month on the list day is Thursday. getting closer. woot
  2. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    i'm using that same GonG and the same amount's. i'm getting four big clouds from a bowl pack. they get a little smaller and way less tasty after that. i usually call it after four. my ABV is milk chocolate colored and ready for cannabutter. woot
  3. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    'happiness is a warm dog' my dog arrived about thirty minutes ago. it's already delivering tasty clouds! i'm heading out for a MTB ride, will post pics later. i'm very pleased with the whole process. just plug and play! great job Underdog! wow! back from my ride. just 'dogged'. i've never had...
  4. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    awesome. i'm getting wood.:o
  5. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    ^this has me very stoked. thanks for sharing.
  6. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    i just re-ordered, and it worked! Happy B-day, Dave. woot
  7. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    saul goodman:)
  8. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    i just thought it would auto generate a #, is all. like i said, i'm vaked to the gills right now. your response is both muddled and snarky at the same time. well done, lobstah!
  9. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    i'm pretty sure i just ordered a 'birthday vape'. i wake-n-vaked this morning, so i'm phoggy. didn't get a confirmation # or email. this is normal, yes?
  10. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    ok, so the 18mm GonG bowl will fit my 'female' 18mm glass? gonna order tomorrow!
  11. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    word! i'm ordering a birthday special this week. i'm gonna grab that fo sho. good tour this summer, yeah? caught four show's both night's in wistah and the first two at SPAC. best i've seen em since '03. and actually this is better, i like happy Trey. my first show was in '91. i really like the...
  12. ghost>boogie on

    Underdog Log Vapes

    hey y'all. when i order, what do i want? i have 18 mm glass that i will be using to hydrate. sorry for the n00bish question
  13. ghost>boogie on

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    nice work, dude. keep up the good work.:clap:
  14. ghost>boogie on

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    i could give two shit's about my post count. ease up on the moderating, guy. it's a weed forum, dude.
  15. ghost>boogie on

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    mod note: Edited to remove large images from previous page that make page loading slow. Please do not bump. The rule is: Don’t make short posts that offer no significant content, or post for the sake of increasing your post count. page top bump noice!
  16. ghost>boogie on

    The HI

    wow. i'm stoked to be on the wait list. beautiful stuff, Alan. edit: 2nd from left is $$$
  17. ghost>boogie on

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    anyone else notice that the canucks, tend to whine a lot? seriously brah, not enough pretty pictures on the box?
  18. ghost>boogie on

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    whoa dude! i haven't seen quality like that in a long time. 80's deadhead, current Phish phan. in the mid 80's i had a few choice shirts and some pant's from Not Fade Away tie die, from i think, Woodstock, NY. their stuff is the only other that comes close to yours. we'll done! oh, and i'm...
  19. ghost>boogie on

    The HI

    Whoa, thanks for the quick response Alan. Looking forward to 'the hi'.:D edit: prolly shoulda looked through the tread first, i'll be wanting the glass turbo tube setup. i'll be glass on glass, holy shit. totally stoked. keep on!
  20. ghost>boogie on

    The HI

    i just sent you an email, alan. i'd like to get in line please. woot!:brow:
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