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  1. djonkoman

    DHgate Glass Review thread (You must post a review, see first post)

    just received an order from sunshine store, maybe the fastest package ever from china. was expecting 3 packages, 2 from china, and when the doorbell rang I expected the other package from china since it has been underway much longer, but to my surprise it was a bubbler, not a batterycharger. to...
  2. djonkoman

    Seattle is going through your trash . . .

    hmm, guess I was ahead of my time as a kid... grew up in a village, and the paper-waste was collected once a month or so, with some men from the village volunteering for a day and a local farmer lending a tractor+flat trailer. after collecting all the paper from the village, it would be stored...
  3. djonkoman

    Underdog Log Vapes

    VVPS's are pretty widely available, I got mine from an onlinestore that in my country is known for a bit more specialised electronics, so if you know an electronics-store that also offers stuff for DIY projectsit could be they also sell VVPS's. mine is called a 'lab supply', but you could also...
  4. djonkoman

    Contingency Plan

    I'm young and healthy so not really expecting to die soon. but even if I did I don't think I would have a contingency plan for any online forum/community, for me online comunities are less personal, more about the message than the name next to it, people appear and disappear all the time, or...
  5. djonkoman

    How come clouds arent always what they seem to be?

    what kind of watertool are you using? I can whitewall my ehle straight tube if I want, aty least from my viewpoint, but I also have a tiny bubbler that I can't make white, however the clouds I exhale afterwards can be just as big, I think with the bubbler most of it just immediatly exits trough...
  6. djonkoman

    How heavy a user are you?

    daily, but the amount varies by day. when I'm free/vacations I'll often start with a wake&bake, and if not I start vaping shortly after breakfast. but on a regular weekday like today I don't vape anything until I'm home from my last lecture/class of the day, when I get home I usually turn on...
  7. djonkoman

    Am I sacrificing quality vapor?

    if you enjoy that style of vaping, you could think about getting a log vape. my routine is exactly like that, I'm just relaxing and sometimes take a hit, sometimes 2-3 in a row but usually there's more time in between. that works very well with a log vape since it is so easy to disconnect the...
  8. djonkoman

    The Arizer Air

    I guess randy got so many pricematching requests he decided to just make a coupon code to make it easier :p that's also my plan, I'm still waiting on the charger from ebay, but my air hasn't arrived yet either so I'm patient. ordered the charger 2 weeks or so earlier, so hopefully they arrive...
  9. djonkoman

    Best log vape?

    since I've never used any other logvapes as the UD and PD, I can't really say one is best. but I love my UD, and based on things that don't directly relate to function, I think the UD is the best. and those things not related to function are: -the HI has a long waiting list -the nano only works...
  10. djonkoman

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    actually I do ignore them, ordering from any international destination takes a while, and can vary quite a bit from the same country, so I usually just ignore tracking from any international destination. however dhgate is spamming my inbox with tracking updates, so I read the email to have it...
  11. djonkoman

    The Arizer Air

    so I just ordered the air, randy from puffitup was able to give me a great price, communication was also very fast, today I even had an answer within a few minutes. now I hope my nightcore charger will arive quickly, would kind of suck when I get my air and the charger is still not here...
  12. djonkoman

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    so a little while ago I ordered a bubbler from dhgate, today I had an email with un update wich had an interesting line in it
  13. djonkoman

    Underdog Log Vapes

    hmm, that new little bubbler i really kicking my ass... my ehle is great, and this new thingy doesn't cool as well as my ehle, but the supersmall size makes it superconvenient. when I'm gaming I often forget to vape, since taking a hit means pausing the game, wich is really easy just often not...
  14. djonkoman

    The Arizer Air

    yes but I won't expect import duties to go over 20-30 euro, there is a 10 euro flat tax, then 5 euro handling fees and last a certain percentage of the value(incl shipping costs I think), but the %-part is usually the smallest partunless you buy something worth in the 1000s), so I think I could...
  15. djonkoman

    Reason I feel vaping can effect lungs just as much as smoking

    I find it both can be harsh, just in a different way. with smoke it burns, and I feel it in my throat at the end of the night/next morning when I've smoked a lot(and usually when I smoke, it is not a little). with vapor it doesn't burn, but it has a kind of different tingly feeling. I usually...
  16. djonkoman

    The Arizer Air

    so I just saw puffitup has the air in stock, has anyone already successfully got the price dowb with pricematching? I'm in europe, so I'm hesitating to order it now from puffitup, or wait till an european retailer has it in stock. if I can get it from within europe that saves me paying any...
  17. djonkoman

    What is your favourite activity currently?

    with the winterweather I mostly stay inside(especially this week it's been raining all the time, only had 1 day of snow so far this winter, the rest of the time it's just wet and cold), so I've been playing a lot of europa universalis 4. and I've also started thinking a little about gardening...
  18. djonkoman

    How Fast Is Your Internet?

    saw that apparently earlier this didn't work, so tried again, and now it does... seems my result is pretty good
  19. djonkoman

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I don't exactly know how old my dog is now, I do know I got it somewhere in january or february, I guess 2 years ago but it could also be 3. I think heat also plays a role in the darkening of the wood, if you look at my UD you can see that the lowest part is lighter, that part is also cooler...
  20. djonkoman

    Underdog Log Vapes

    just got a package with some glass, needed a new straw for my da vinci so decided I could just as well add some cheap glass to my order. this bubbler is smaller as I expected but actually exactly what I needed: have already been trying it out, it works great also another pic I made yesterday...
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