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  1. fake name


    So are they heating the herb in a vacuum?
  2. fake name

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Question for OF or TET: Is it ok to run the ll with just ice water hash or is it best to sandwich it between some herb? (I've been falling in love with the bubble.) Any replies will be much appreciated, thanks!
  3. fake name

    Looking for an idiot-proof vape...

    The Arizer Solo is by far the best party vape of the portables in my opinion. I have converted 4 people to vaporists based on they're using my solo. Literally every person I have let use it has asked me how much it cost, where did I get it, and can they get one. The solo is two parts, so not...
  4. fake name

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    For what it worth, IMO a vape for herb is still the most efficient way to consume cannabis. Well, at least in terms of consumming it through the lungs. Don't get me wrong, it is totally possible to save money switching to oils, but I think it is not typically the case. When I started oils I cut...
  5. fake name

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    I can't say for certain, but my guess is it will effect the taste of the load if you pack it in full and use it for a while, but potentcy shouldn't be affected much. To some extent the heat will degrade the thc to other thc (delta9 to delta8), but I don't know if it will be different than when...
  6. fake name


    Thanks Stu!
  7. fake name


    I was wondering if I could do that with a coil. I was about to buy one anyway, but I'm glad to hear it will work in a glass piece with a little technique. Thanks for the suggestion! Question though, did you put it in a 14 mm or an 18? Or, do you think it would fit both?
  8. fake name

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Yes, I believe one of the last things they have for the first gen line is the SV evo conversion. At least it was there last night, I was thinking about picking it up myself. You may want to grab it while you can, I'm going to send them an email now about adding it to my cera order, hopefully...
  9. fake name

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    The replacement part is sold by arizer, so I don't think it voids the warranty, but I am not certain. And I used mine daily for more than a year before I had to replace the heater cover, and I was at fault for it breaking. Aqua lab has many converters 14/18, and you can also find them on etsy...
  10. fake name

    need some quick opinions

    Just wanted to say, even if you don't like to vape/smoke abv oil, it is still worth it if you like edibles or tinctures. I know a lot of people will make those outright with abv, but Imo extracting it first is the best for abv. Then just cook it into something or just drop it into the base of...
  11. fake name

    need some quick opinions

    Gotcha, misinterpreted what you were saying. Yeah light heat really does make a good difference from just air drying. When the alcohol evaporates it cools down the pyrex, so having a constant heat source under it helps the process a lot.
  12. fake name

    need some quick opinions

    Yeah, ive been wanting to try the syringe set up too. They look awesome. And yeah you def should avoid any type of Iso taste. The other flavors are bad, at least to me, but Iso flavor sounds potentially dangerous.
  13. fake name

    need some quick opinions

    I could tell from your picture it was abv, that tell-tale brown color. You can see it really well in the bottom right corner... So, yes this is typical of abv oil. Winterizing will clean it some, but I don't think it'll remove some of the things unique to abv. Perhaps activated carbon could...
  14. fake name

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Hey iamn3ko, if your water piece has a fitting for a 18/19mm male joint then you can take the extra elbow of the whip for balloons and put it on the regular whips and it will plug right into the bong. The EQ is def a fun toy, adaptable as hell. And leTchen, I have taken it apart, the air path...
  15. fake name

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    If TET wants to throw in a gift, I certainly wouldn't be complaining about it. And if they don't, wouldn't complain about that since I haven't expected one. I already am getting a second battery and they said they have upgraded my shipping to expediated shipping. I am still very satisfied with...
  16. fake name

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Apple may not be as up front as you seem to think... I know people who use an iphone and sync it to a Pc. But there has been a problem with downloading the newer version of itunes onto windows 7 where the mobile device function file does not transfer. So the Pc will not recognize an iWhatever...
  17. fake name

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Different parts do not mean different performance, necessarily. It could be something was the wrong size and they have to alter it at the shop. I think he was just saying it is taking a while because of a slight screw up from one of the companies they do bussiness with. The thing is, if it was...
  18. fake name

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Does the bowl beinging smaller have any effect on the efficiency? Or, at least, the evenness of the vaporization? I know a lot of people didn't like to stir, and I think OF has said it needs less stirring now. If the smaller size is part of a more even vaporization, then that is requested in...
  19. fake name

    So how long do you keep your vapor in?

    My question would be, what about how long you take your rip for? If I take a ten second rip and hold it for fifteen seconds, then I'm holding that much for less time than if I took a thirty second rip that I only hold for two seconds. I've heard that the adsorbtion process is aided by activley...
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