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  1. Jokermachine

    E-Nano from Epickai

    A nice looking piece, but the base is a little small. I would knock it over in no time.
  2. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    A Fathers Day gift? That's the best Fathers Day gift a man could want. I'm making sure my wife reads this. Thank you.
  3. Jokermachine

    Good, cheap multimeter

    I got one of those free ones. Only use it on 45v. or less. Too damn dangerous otherwise.
  4. Jokermachine

    JoDa Glassworks

    It's gonna be sad not seeing your art here anymore, but more important is your own life and your family's life. Take a break, get rest and spend time with Ms. Joda and your kids. This aint worth it if you lose that. It was a treat seeing/buying your stuff here and of course your talent is...
  5. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Chitchat? this aint chit chat, this is serious shit.:ko:
  6. Jokermachine

    RDA Wicks for your Convection Device

    Guess I'm not the only one looking for a better option. Right now I use ss wool, but had to double it up in a short 18mm male to 18mm male glass adapter, which is what I use for the stem. Seems the shatter was dripping all the way through and going into the bubbler when only using one wad...
  7. Jokermachine

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    It looks like Ed nailed it again, and I'm happy to say that this one is mine. Thanks Ed, that's exactly what I wanted. Thanks also goes out to Snappo for making this deal go so smoothly. The teak is beautiful.
  8. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Dave, my job entails working with tools also and when the paws aint workin, I don't eat. Know how you feel.
  9. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    @NickDlow How do you like the bigger diameter Ed's bushing compared to the smaller UD's? Damn nice collection there, by the way.
  10. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    @DieHard That thing is beautiful. Are you sure it can be touched by human hands?
  11. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Nice setup. Your Underdog is amazing looking. That short little gong n the middle is my favorite, but I also like the long one behind so I can see the vapor going thru. You're gonna have hours of fun!
  12. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    It keeps getting better.
  13. Jokermachine

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Ed, nice to see your boys are doing so well. The card display is bomb. What a great way to build his confidence. The bottle job is amazing,... but watch out. He could start his own wood turning business and put the hurt on Dads business . :razz:Ha! Anyway, it's good to see that you...
  14. Jokermachine

    Need help-torching stem ends

    After cutting my too long, gong stem, I torched it to smooth and seal the end. The problem is when I did, the end melted inword slightly, making it hard to put in the basket screen. Any instructions or tips to prevent this inword bending would be helpful. Thanks. By the way, it's fun doing...
  15. Jokermachine

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Great pictures Ed. Reminds me of my '73 junior high wood shop days. Saw a few bats go flying off the lathe. Funny, all we made in wood shop was pipes, bats, ashtrays, and a few boxes to put all of it in! That is so cool being able to have your boys working in the shop with you. Kids are the...
  16. Jokermachine

    JoDa Glassworks

    Some amazing art there by Joda and that lamp is a freakout too. Thanks for taking the time to share it all.
  17. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    It was all good till the scarf went on. Get well.
  18. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes Here's some info on the UD site that may help.
  19. Jokermachine

    Does America Care About the Royal Family In England?

    My nephew moved from California to England. Not sure if he's still insane. Guess if he moved from Stockton, he probably did make a good decision.
  20. Jokermachine

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Wow, the faces on her. That is so fuckin sick. Damn bat faces!
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