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  1. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    gentlemen, it is constantly talked about tropical wood. have you ever seen a polished and oiled cherry or plum? beautiful wood with a fantastic pattern, also red - especially plum, both hard and mainly anti-allergic, not harmful when burned - they are used for tobacco pipes. if you want a red...
  2. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I have a nice stem with balls from gvb, it cooled great, but it got clogged up very quickly and increased the already large air resistance, which was born from the grav upline already bigger since production. what I like about the grav upline is another thing that if I don't clean it for a long...
  3. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hello so i must also say that grav upline is what i use now.... it is compact, does not create air resistance, practical narrowed mouthpiece, cools sufficiently at a temperature of 3-5. everything else always seemed unsatisfactory to me.....
  4. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    hmm so now, according to the photo, I can see that TM1 is better in terms of design and especially the surface... I have TM2 live. the TM1 aluminum surface looks much better over time and to the touch and acquires, as can be seen, a wonderful patina. the new surface on TM2 seems sterile to...
  5. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hello, that simrell system looks pretty interesting. but just a question: does it cost half the tm2 and won't it limit air draft too much? one of the main things about tm2 or maybe similar dreamwood is that i can inhale freely and i don't get holotropic states while vaping. I'm testing upline...
  6. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    please, I'm asking like an idiot, and is it okay not to charge until completely discharged, but to continuously charge, for example at the end of the day, when the battery is half or three-quarters full? thanks
  7. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hello, is there something wrong if i only charge via tm2? is it slower or does it destroy the battery more or does it endanger the tm2 itself or does it charge harder? thanks david
  8. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    unfortunately amazon from America, postage + tax ... dear but i didn't find anything else… hmm, thanks for the tip. looks good, I couldn't find this a few weeks ago.... I tried from France from and somehow I couldn't order it. from amazon quite quickly but not very...
  9. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    friends, I got the Grav Upline Mini today and I have to say it's great. compact, sufficiently cooling and easy to pull, I was also pleasantly surprised by the narrowing, and it looks nice. I just have to reduce the chamber with a strainer, I like smaller doses. every mouthpiece has something in...
  10. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    there was a time when such problems happened to me all the time. the more expensive the product, the more absurd complications occurred. now it's better, but I found out that there is a direct connection, how much a person clings to a given product, how much he projects his ideas and desires...
  11. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    and isn't the battery fucked? something similar happens to me with a battery that is charged but does not start... have you tried a different battery?
  12. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hello, I have the original battery and in addition two sony VTC6 from another vaporizer, which I would like to use as a spare. both are charged, one battery works, but the other one vibrates three times slowly and immediately four times quickly after turning it on, and after about one second it...
  13. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    own experience is incommunicable...
  14. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    yes, I had a hollow wooden stem and sanded it so that it sat exactly on the walls and at the same time was easy to move. inside too. I also thought of making something similar from spring steel, from the slices I used for kalimba reeds. it would be a broken ring that would spring so it would...
  15. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

  16. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    natural material, simple production, positionable...
  17. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    hello, I would like to buy a grav upline taster, but I don't know where to get it. i am in europe they are either sold out or from overseas and do not ship to Europe. do you have a tip? dik d
  18. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    friends, I started reading this thread from the very beginning for a long time and I will tell you that it is an endless netflix series....and I probably won't give the whole thing away.... anyway, i feel like everything has been said and tried. just find it somewhere in the flood of text...
  19. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hello, I tried just for fun to replace the nuts and washers with this tube. It seems to me that the original constellation obstructs the air flow a little too much....unfortunately, I don't have stainless..... anyway i don't want to touch the author TM, he sure has it tuned.... but the...
  20. bardad

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hello. only tried it briefly so far...and it's great!!!! metal original long stem, cooling unit moved 3-4mm below the edge - so microdosing - ground only slightly in the hands, flower almost whole, so that the resin remains intact (I like it so much) temperature level set to 1.5 after vibrating...
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