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  1. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Frogboy (nice name btw, lol :) ). The design is being upgraded to straight glass on Polycarb with no grommet. I do not know the exact specifications of the grommet but it is being phased out. This was my first suggestion I offered up to TT and they were already on it. It will make the piece...
  2. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Sky is the limit SD! After going from product idea to my idea being acquired in 6 months I'd recommend anyone with the time and energy to pursue their passion or idea 100%. It's not easy at all but it feels good making a product that makes people happy.
  3. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. They are the same design just tweaked, same functionality. If you really want an OG one I'll probably have a few spare parts leftover :) I can't wait to get all these units shipped out and off the kitchen table, lol. Very happy to have TT handling logistics...
  4. Steele Concept

    Videogames for playing severely intoxicated

    UPDATE! Hotline Miami is officially the shit! There is an OSX wrapper if anyone is on a mac and wants to play. It's an extremely innovative and refreshing game. Not to mention I would listen to the soundtrack just for fun (Its pretty legit electronica) Highly recommended when under the...
  5. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Hi guys, I wanted to add that there has been some confusion about where SC is going in terms of design. The Steel base will be there and probably be available in special finishes like polished, chrome, gold etc. The unibody polycarbonate I mentioned just means the perc plate, tube and...
  6. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    It's definitely a big relief as starting a manufacturing type business is very expensive. There's all sorts of materials and trial and error even when something seems as simplistic as a water pipe. Lots of work, revisions, logistics issues etc. I'm glad to have TT handle a lot of business...
  7. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Hi mrboote, Just got off the phone with my partner Evan. The lego tubes are sealed - no smoke contacts the legos. The lego guy in there is random, however Evan is assembling more tonight. He will see what he's got and keep his eye out for space legos :) Is this along the lines of what...
  8. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Mrboote - That is definitely a hard decision to make. It's like your adult instincts vs. inner child. I mean I love a good boneless breast... But this man also loves his legos, lol. I also enjoyed K'nex as a kid (epic roller coasters and big ball factory) and glow in the dark Better...
  9. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Thanks guys for the kind words guys. Now on to your questions... Lwein - TT will be responsible for all manufacturing, logistics, marketing, advertising etc. I get to do sales, which is what I love. Well I also love marketing by doing graphics or website type work but I always need help...
  10. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    He's bacccccccckkkkk :science: EDIT: 420th post as well :spliff:
  11. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    HUGE UPDATE! Hi guys, Wow a lot has happened in the last month. First the bad news... I was hospitalized last week for 4 days with a severe Clostridium Difficile infection. You guys can google it but basically it's where someone takes antibiotics and the good gut flora die off causing the...
  12. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Nice WOOT post SliM, that was a deal on cubes. WOOT has got some good stuff, I really like their biz model.
  13. Steele Concept

    Videogames for playing severely intoxicated

    Omg. That game looks epic, imma definetly play it soon. Thanks for posting!
  14. Steele Concept

    Videogames for playing severely intoxicated

    My brother went through 2 or 3 Xbox 360's. absolutely amazing that an engineering revision wasn't done ASAP or more testing on air flow. They are so obnoxiously loud and fail left and right. We had a chipped original Xbox. Xbox media center, HDD game saving/loading, N64 and SNES emulators...
  15. Steele Concept

    Videogames for playing severely intoxicated

    Wii is great. New Super Mario Bros. Wii, super Mario galaxies, Mario Kart, donkey kong, punch out... All winners! If you have a nice PC you can play these titles in 1080p on the computer and they look phenomenal!
  16. Steele Concept

    Hitman Brilliance to Turbine Tube - $450 Shipped CONUS

    A real nice compact piece you have there!
  17. Steele Concept

    Videogames for playing severely intoxicated

    I love old school Nintendo and simple games. I used to love CS 1.6 in my youth, but it takes too much time, concentration and has lost a bit of the magic over the years. I'm all set listening to adolescent kids scream obscenities at each other. SNES classics, iPad stuff like Plants vs...
  18. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    A hobby becomes work once you get paid for it. Fortunately loving your work makes it not seem so much like "work" Even the word work conjures up negative feeling for most people, lol.
  19. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Glad to hear you guys are puttin the SC through the paces. Often times when we get new shit we are bias because we are excited and it's pure novelty. Being satisfied with a product a month, a year a decade down the line is the real test :2c: I'm hoping I enjoy my new Pax down the line like I...
  20. Steele Concept

    Transformer Tubes (Formerly Steele Concept)

    Yep, I paid him handsomely to say good things about the SC ;). Hehehe just playin, hope you like the piece Herbal. Your reviews are the shit BTW. A 24K Gold Unit will be displayed at the BIG Industry trade show. Stop by the Transformer Tubes booth to check her out in person if anyone from FC...
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