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  1. farf


    So I got my first Vapman from the exchange about two weeks ago and now I have the new Zebrano on hand and two more exotics on the way from Rene... Safe to say I'm enamored with the device (and lack any semblance of self control.) Will post a full family photo once all four are together! Oh and...
  2. farf


    Does Rene do customs or does he just make some more exotic examples at his own pace and you have to catch him with available stock? Exceptional piece, by the way; that grain contrast is so wild!
  3. farf


    Want to throw my hat in as someone who just got their first (but most definitely NOT last) Vapman; what a phenomenal little device. Thanks to the member of the exchange that gave me a great deal on a Swiss made Vapman with all the goodies included. Everything from the device to the wooden case...
  4. farf

    Manual Vape Thread

    @SlickHenry Yeah I've been moving away from the more DIY and lower cost devices into artisan/handcrafted vapes. I collect art as well so the handmade/craftsmanship focused items appeal to me more. Nothing against scientific glass the chemistry set vibes just aren't as elegant. Got a Toad from...
  5. farf

    Manual Vape Thread

    @SlickHenry Thank you this is actually super helpful info! I think one of the smaller Rogue Wax Works all glass devices might be my next function-forward piece to try out. I think they're visually unappealing but after hearing of/seeing some of the results I'm interested to see how the flavor...
  6. farf

    Manual Vape Thread

    Something like TRWW's stuff? I like the idea of all his manual glass vapes but honestly the form factor is kind of a turn off. I like how well designed and elegant the two I have on the way are. Some of the dynaverse stuff is also very appealing but most of it is either metal or wood... Any...
  7. farf

    Manual Vape Thread

    Yo guys! Glad I found this thread as I currently have both an old Swiss made Vapman as well as a new Lotus on the way! Do you guys have any other recommendations for real flavor heavy manual vapes? I'm trying to consume a bit less and anything that's in between the Vapman's chamber and a ball...
  8. farf

    The Toad from Morwood

    Thank you guys! I know the function is designed similarly (straw over a coiled heater) and the stems look very alike without close measurement. I think in the end I'm going to have a few custom stems made now that I know the exact diameter of the Toad's bore. Got a few glass ones to use when I...
  9. farf

    The Toad from Morwood

    Hey all. Served a long time on the wait list and I finally got my number on the last batch. Was wondering if the TinyMight and Toad had the same outer diameter for stems? I'd like to get some cooling stems before it gets here but most makers seem to have TM stems in stock more often than ones...
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