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  1. StraightChill

    Arizer Solo

    What's your opinion? If you had to rate them on taste which one would you put on top (I know it's probably very slight on improvement but I'm just curious) the Ascent or the Solo?
  2. StraightChill

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    My biggest concern now after looking more thoroughly over this thread is about how well sealed the air path really is from the circuitry... I noticed a lot of pictures and talk about exposed wires and unconnected sections inside the stem portion of the Ascent and I'm wondering if anyone can look...
  3. StraightChill

    Arizer Solo

    Have any of you guys here been able to compare the vapor quality of the Arizer Solo and the DaVinci Ascent?? I'm looking at both of these right now and the Solo was appealing to me but I used one of my friends that he'd had for a few months and it tasted slightly metalic, almost like I was...
  4. StraightChill

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    It's things like this that concern me about buying one though... because I am quite sensitive to any unpure smells, so if the solo happens to be more pure then it's gotta be the vape for me, but I can't really figure it out, it's difficult to find the comparisons in the 182 pages of posts, even...
  5. StraightChill

    Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer

    What do you guys recommend for a quality (and small and refillable) butane torch lighter? I'm having a hard time finding any good places to look. I always want to research things as much as possible before I buy, I want something quality that won't break on me.
  6. StraightChill

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I keep hearing about the heaters dying as well, I'm curious how often this occurs and if there are many more little defects to worry about as well (sorry Deaz that I don't have any help for you, but I am wanting to know as well about such things)
  7. StraightChill

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Oh daamn, that's not good! Where did you get your Ascent from though? Do you think that maybe it's just an older model?
  8. StraightChill

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    As long as the battery seems to last and hold a charge it should be fine. Once the battery reaches full charge and capacity when charging it won't continue to do much but stay warm (if it gets REALLY warm/ very hot then that'd be abnormal, but I'd doubt it). Perhaps the programming in their ICs...
  9. StraightChill

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Hey, I'm on the fence between a few vaporizers and I've been researching for a very very long time now and I'm down to just a few: The Arizer Solo, the Pax Ploom and the DaVinci Ascent... I own a SSV that I use at the house but I really want a portable vaporizer. My main and biggest concern is...
  10. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I thought there was a trick to fixing the temp light issue? I swear I just read it a few days ago on this forum?
  11. StraightChill

    Arizer Solo

    THANK YOU so much for posting your trials on here because I'm just like you (but possibly worse) I am a COMPLETE perfectionist, I'm really concerned about health and safety to the highest most intricate extents. A couple of questions I always wanted to know before buying a Solo was how safe...
  12. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    That was a HUGE QUESTION/CONCERN I really wanted to know, is how well sealed the vapor path REALLY is from the internals, thanks for explaining that! I was really hoping they'd have some rubber seal or something build into the MP so that it would lock on and seal it completely from the...
  13. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    If you were to compare the Pax and or the Solo to a home unit (a quality one, ie. Extreme Q (what I have) a Volcano, PLENTY, whatever ect.) how would you rate the vapor quality on a scale of 1 - 10 ?? That would be the best way to compare I think for simplicity. This is my first time on the...
  14. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    SICK, that is exactly what I was hoping to hear. Has anyone on here owned or used the Arizer Solo? How would you compare the vapor quality to that vape? Because I've heard a few people who have both say that the taste is actually better on the solo, I'm wondering if anyone thinks the opposite??
  15. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I have not had the opportunity to inspect it and take it apart so I have no idea, plus I do not know anyone that owns one personally that would let me check that out either lol, I'm just a perfectionist like that
  16. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Well, just a few things that I'm sure you've heard of... but what you said was all I wanted to hear, I just have came across a lot a negative and I don't know anyone who owns one personally, but I suppose there are a lot more people who come on here for problems than to report that they have NOT...
  17. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    How long have you had your pax though?? I mean it's cool to clean it semi often I don't mind cleaning as long as its not after EVERY session. But I hear OTHER things that ruins it for me. Like things that make it need to be sent in for replacement after only a few months
  18. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Hahaha, dude that's what I'm saying, it just sucks man... I want this vape soooo bad, but I can'y buy one if it requires more than a quick clean once or twice a week, especially if it's going to need replacement or lubing, it's just ridiculous, I hope Ploom fixes all this crap soon, it's been a...
  19. StraightChill

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I do not own a pax, and I know the topic right now is on lube right now but I just HAVE to ask this: IS THERE ANYONE ON HERE THAT HAS HAD THEIR PAX FOR MORE THAN A FEW MONTHS THAT HAD NEVER HAD ISSUES WITH IT?? I have a solo but I'm allured by how much more portable it is. At first appearance is...
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