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  1. Taz German

    Joke thread

  2. Taz German

    The Sandbox: Make test posts here
  3. Taz German

    The Toad from Morwood

    #89 should be here tomorrow! Funny that #88 ended up in Australia too!:tup:
  4. Taz German

    Mood Mat Thread Here is another example.
  5. Taz German

    The Sandbox: Make test posts here
  6. Taz German

    Mood Mat Thread

    Did find this! And would love to have one. But geez they are pricey!
  7. Taz German

    Mobius Glass

    So whoever posted somewhere that Mobius Glass is available in Australia. Thanks very much! I was always interested in a Ion Matrix V1 since I've seen them online years ago. Just grabbed one of that Oz shop! I really hope it's the real deal and works as I imagine. But I think it will because it's...
  8. Taz German

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    I also don't understand why a shitload of people always expect special treatment with special requests in this community? Just be happy with what's out there!
  9. Taz German

    The Toad from Morwood Anyone seen batch 7 hopping around?! There's some beauties in again! No 89! Hmm
  10. Taz German

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Definitely press flush bearing for the better looks! When someone really can't change the bearing by himself just go to a car repair shop! Bit of sweet talk or cash an they may do it for ya!
  11. Taz German

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Hell no! @AssistedLiving that looks like a German Frankenstein grinder I wouldn't want! The price even tops OM Ti. 😳 I'll stick with SS OldM I think.
  12. Taz German

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    I think the Titanium breaks every record in the price department! Hopefully there will be a photo or two of it in the wild. Are there any other Titanium options out there or is this the first of its kind? Edit: Still loving mine !
  13. Taz German

    OLD MATE (formerly Medgrind)

    Got mine on Friday. So far I have no complaints about anything with this grinder. I ordered the teal magnet version updated with the grooves. Looks very good! I really like the effortless spinning/grinding action. Well done @OMD
  14. Taz German

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I'm just wondering if there will be an Australian reseller in the future? I just received my Anvil on the 7th after getting lost by Australia Post for three weeks. I would have liked to order more stuff of them after being convinced I like the Vape. Turns out I do! But the exorbitant shipping...
  15. Taz German

    The Nomad From Morwood

    It arrived safe and is in a good home now! I may have to feed that baby after such a long trip!
  16. Taz German

    Tetra P80

    Same as usual for me again :wave:! I don't know why I set my alarm for. Five o'clock in the morning is just a unlucky and unholy time for me it seems! Villechlanisolasy!
  17. Taz German

    Tetra P80

    Consider myself as disabled with a 1.5mbit Internet line:doh:. I can't even make it to checkout without being overrun! :rofl:
  18. Taz German

    Tetra P80

    I'm also on the disappointed side. When you try for nearly two years at every drop... (rant). I may call it quit for the future and wait to pay more for a used one. Maybe someone with multiple units will sell one!
  19. Taz German

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Can someone please tell me what the User Edition gets send with? Is it just one bowl and you can choose or two? With or without tube? I get that the XL parts are extra but there's no info on the site that I can see. Cheers
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