You're getting THAT for $100 an o on rec? People are always talking about how bad it is in the Springs for flower... Seems like all $99 an oz bud in Denver is all hay smelling barely trimmed reggie. Definitely have to go down now!
It's all good, I worked one in. A little concave, but I'll get the hang of it. I tried glass dabbers and metal screwdriver and neither one was gripping very well. haha
It's a great kit, man. Thanks for the rimless screen sample pack. I'll have to experiment with all the different options to...
I doubt I will be, but I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet. Spent around an hour and half trying to put one of the screens in and it's just not working. I've watched the video, but I don't have chopsticks laying around. It'll probably be awhile until I have enough free time to try and make...