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  1. Jahannum

    Mainstream opinion on vaporization

    Like Vorrange I have been using less and less since I started vaping. I also live in a non dispensary state so what I get is only average hydroponics compared to some states(My guy says it is from Cali though). The small wand that comes with the DBV works perfectly for conserving(technique plays...
  2. Jahannum

    FC Meet up?

    Panama City here, I could do a florida meet.
  3. Jahannum

    My First Vaporizer; MFLB or Pinnacle?

    I am about to buy a Solo for my first portable, was looking at the MFLB at first but more and more the Solo just grew on me as I read through this forum. @Caligula THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!
  4. Jahannum

    First week of Vaping

    So you are a week in DogDad? I noticed similar benefits as well, also after the first week I wanna say 1 1/2 weeks into only vaping, I started getting even higher, easier. Guess it was my lungs healing enough from the smoke that it could absorb more thc vapor.
  5. Jahannum

    The Worst Methods I Used To Smoke.

    I will share the worst method I saw. One of my friends was smoking out of a tiny straw that he had chewed on near the end. He plunked on the tip a whole nug(did not even try to break it up) and was burning the bud and straw at the same time as he smoked. I was very concerned about him at that...
  6. Jahannum

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Just got watching the ending of the Sopranos, so this has been stuck in my head a little lately.
  7. Jahannum

    Da Buddha

    I always start off by turning my DBV on all the way, then I begin to prep the flowers and wand. When I am done grinding and just loaded some flowers into the wand, I turn down the DBV to around 2-3 o'clock, then I use the awesome marble pick from 7th floor to pack down the flowers against the...
  8. Jahannum

    What Are YOUR Best/Worst Vape Purchases?

    Best: My recently purchased(almost a month ago) DBV. Reliable, super simple to use, very fast heat time and a very satisfying vapor density that is easy to get. Got the Black Hole model so it is super sexy with the buddha guy blacked out, a cool black and white swirl disc under the HC(looks...
  9. Jahannum

    Da Buddha

    Gift for someone in the same house, just lazily said "my" in an earlier post. For myself I have been thinking about the VXH Evo, and am ordering a MFLB when I order the SSV. edit: And nah I am not moving on, I love my DBV, very much so. Just want to add a little variety to my new lifestyle.:D
  10. Jahannum

    Da Buddha

    @Vitolo Thanks for the quick response. Think I will stick with the standard HC then when I order my SSV next week.
  11. Jahannum

    Da Buddha

    @Vitolo So you use the spherical glass or the standard HC for the SSV? I ask because I am looking into getting a spherical HC and wand, and was wondering how well it works in comparison to the standard GG DBV connection(Opinion from someone who owns both SSV and DBV).
  12. Jahannum

    Good but cheap vaporizor?

    I would recommend a Da Buddha as well. It is durable, efficient with flowers, gives satisfyingly big vapor draws with the standard whip, and is very simple to use. I am using one right now. :love:
  13. Jahannum

    Need some information

    As a long term(ex-smoker) I can say that "to me" I have found vaporization to give me all the benefits of smoking cannabis(plus some extras), while eliminating the undesirables. There is no loss of sense of taste or smell, you do not have a nasty taste in your mouth, exercise comes alot...
  14. Jahannum

    Da Buddha

    I have found I love the heating element used by 7th Floor in the DBV and SSV. To add to my earlier comments on the DBV, now that I got close to a couple weeks of use with the vaporizer. The sheer simplicity of the DBV with use is the real prize to me. No annoying digital interfaces, just a...
  15. Jahannum

    Best first Vape <$100 used?

    Gotta pay for quality, but I agree, if you can get an SSV for $100, do it. If you are looking for a vape to leave on all day, then 7th floor has had a SSV running for years.
  16. Jahannum

    The aesthetics of lighting up...

    I do not have any experience with using flame for vaping purposes, however I have found I love the fact I do not have to use flame to medicate(I was a long time smoker of both tobacco and herb). I use a lower temperature setting when I vape and I use my draw speed to control how hot I want the...
  17. Jahannum

    Add moisture to the weed before vaping it

    Yeah I have gotten a batch like this recently. Found really tiny pinhead size seeds in the ABV, and I could tell it was harvested just a tad early(The grower must of realised it became a Herm and harvested early). It had alot of moisture and clouded up my wand in just a couple days. It got...
  18. Jahannum

    Mainstream opinion on vaporization

    I have found that as a new "Vaporist", all the people that I used to combust with, are largely ignorant when it comes to vaporizing in general. Since I have found vapor, I have found myself constantly talking about all the great benefits of vaping(Usually I am very reserved about my true...
  19. Jahannum

    Da Buddha

    I would have to borrow someones phone to take the picture, here is a link to pictures of it in the mean time.
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