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  1. DoubleVanos


    You have discovered the legend known as Volcano! :)
  2. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I have both. While the Vapman is great, it can be frustrating and is not the most stealthy device out there. I hate to admit, that since getting the crafty, my vapman has seen no use. I might have to take it out of its egg and give it some love again. @UnshavenFish , I use my crafty in the...
  3. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Usually it takes about 6 months.
  4. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Yum! That's some nice budda! I've been making Cano butter for years. I've increased the amount of ABV everytime. The last time I used 140 g of ABV to 1 lb. The effects were glorious in brownie form!
  5. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Wake and vape said it first, remove when hot. I also use the little stir tool to do this,as it can get pretty hot. I took crafty on it's first walk, the weather was much nicer but still rather cold @ 3 C. I discovered two things. -Walking and vaping with the crafty is sooo easy, even dumping...
  6. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Don't get me wrong, everyone has a preference. My first few weeks with Crafty were all slightly tamped full bowls with no LP. The first time I used the LP, I was happy to see how clean the CU screen stayed, and there is very little debris on the inside, just pure oily resin :). It's been said...
  7. DoubleVanos


    The Cano' was my only vape for years, and still my main driver. I use the solid valve and usually put about 1 cm depth of fine ground material or about 0.3-0.4 grams. With good stuff this yields about 5-6 nice thick bags for me. I usually stir at bag 4, and then regrind the material for bag 6...
  8. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    The CU screen gets dirty fast with partial bowls and without using the pad. I have not tasted any metal in my usage.
  9. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I'm at about 2:20, I haven't timed it with an empty bowl, but doesn't seem much longer than when it was new. At 53 hours, the battery on my unit has shown negligible wear.
  10. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Welcome! I use the liquid pad almost exclusively. Looks like that 2:30 warmup is fairly consistent around here. Happy crafting!
  11. DoubleVanos

    Discontinued Pax 2

    The original didn't seem to get my attention, this one however... It's a gorgeous little device, but so pricey. I just bought the crafty not too long ago, and this one is seriously itching the VAS. I didn't even know I had VAS. I must have contracted it from reading this forum too much.
  12. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Yes, Not an M, but good eye! :)
  13. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Crafty on the road. :clap::rockon::razz: My bowl was nice and clean, but I did a session with the liquid pad @200 C, where it seemed like it would not finish. Haul after haul and there was still visible vapor. When I decided to check the load, it was the darkest I had seen it and there was...
  14. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I exclusively use the fine screens. Also 80% of my sessions are half bowls with the liquid pad. This keeps the CU very clean. I do an ISO rinse every 10 days or so. Glad it helped! Happy crafting!
  15. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I meant blanket, maybe it's my terminology. I was trying to say you're statement cast a net on all crafty users, or something along that line. Anyways that's not important anymore.
  16. DoubleVanos

    Finally thawing out.

    Finally thawing out.
  17. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    There are always trade-off's I guess. I grind to the same fineness when using my Cano as well. Using the fine screens, makes it much better and with the crafty I usually do half bowls with the liquid pad on top and this keeps the CU nice and clean.
  18. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    A good technique to quickly dry ure bud is to grind it and let it sit on a piece of paper for an hour or so. Then regrind. I find the standard S&B grinder can go really fine, which is great. Mind you , grinding super fine is not for flavour chaser, just super thick hits. It's all about...
  19. DoubleVanos


    It shouldn't take longer to fill from being a bit sticky. It does get loud though and it can seem like it's taking longer, try timing the fill if you can. That air pump is industrial quality and is very consistent regardless of load. I'm a heavy user on the cano. I probably fill 20-25 bags a...
  20. DoubleVanos

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    The best designs are always the simple ones. Amazing design and engineering, it has to be said.
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