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  1. YeeeBuddy

    I think I'm done with oils/waxes/shatter etc.

    I kind of feel the same way, I just feel like their is something missing with the oil high that i get from flowers. It gets me medicated don't get me wrong, I usually vape OIL at work because its alot faster/smells less. Its a hell of alot better than nothing but the effect is just different I...
  2. YeeeBuddy

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Very demanding for someone with 3 posts, I'm not sure why you think you deserve anything, what have you sacrificed? Like dreamer said most company's don't tell you anything until the product is released, we are lucky to have some pretty cool manufacturers that are open about this stuff. Its...
  3. YeeeBuddy

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Hey i tried adding you and I kept getting a error any idea why? I was able to send deadshort a friend request and it went through. or you can send me one xboxlive- Yeee3Buddy
  4. YeeeBuddy

    Any FC golfers ???

    Heres a pic of one of my better shots from the last time I played. I ripped a 7 Iron from 160 out to a elevated green then proceeded to miss the birdie put :doh: LOLOL such a cruel game. Tell me thats not one of the best feelings when you hit a shot totally pure its almost effortless, one that...
  5. YeeeBuddy

    More federal crackdown in CA

    I have been getting Texts from my home clinic saying they will be closing starting the 14th due to some recent ruling. I think its just garden grove i doubt they can close them all.
  6. YeeeBuddy


    I should have said more powerful, I was trying to say it took four hours to charge the new 3.7v S2 batteries with the tenergy charger, I just mentioned it because I remember some people saying it took alot longer with the provided charger. I believe this is the one I'm using, I change the...
  7. YeeeBuddy


    Great tip I just tried this and it works really well if you want to clean the upper screen without removing it. I just dipped the brush in iso and wiped the screen a bunch then wiped it off with a paper towel, repeated this a few times and I got it looking almost like new. I really like the...
  8. YeeeBuddy


    It's all good your human, stuff happens. At least I have the old style to play with while waiting for the new one.
  9. YeeeBuddy


    Just got my s2 kit and just my luck I think they messed up and sent me the old one. It doesnt look like the one in OF's pic, the bars connect in the middle and it is super thin. Kinda bummed i was really excited to try it.
  10. YeeeBuddy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    that video makes me want to get a hydrotube and run my cera through it. 110$ damn not bad at all i thought it would be more. I think i will be picking one of these up in near future. Kushcabbage- was that oil or flower you were vaping?
  11. YeeeBuddy

    Any FC golfers ???

    I use, you can get some pretty killer deals on tea times, you just have to pay upfront on some of them. I usually pay around 20-30(with a cart) for 18. I play during the week though, not as busy and usually a bit cheaper. Its definitely a luxury to be able to play often, once i...
  12. YeeeBuddy

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Might have been me but I switched from all out combustion(huge bong rips all day) to all out vaping so my savings were significantly higher. I am spending so much less its crazy, before i was going to the dispensary about twice a week, last time i went was 4/20 and I am just getting low gonna go...
  13. YeeeBuddy

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Haywood is the man when it comes to battery info. Alot of people myself included prefer the 2250's but get them while you can because they aren't being made anymore. 2900's work fine as well just seem to take a little longer to warm up. You shouldnt be disappointed with either...
  14. YeeeBuddy

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I have nothing against modding the cera, in fact I love seeing all the stuff u guys come up with even more so because I'm not one to do much self modding. I was just trying to express that the stock cap/mp does a good job, but it definately has its downsides. I see nothing wrong with coming up...
  15. YeeeBuddy


    My order still says Awaiting Fulfillment I ordered on the first is this normal, I never got a tracking #? I'm guessing because its coming from canada the tracking is gonna be late to update. Anyone else share this experience?
  16. YeeeBuddy


    I havn't had any problems with my stems falling out, they were kinda loose when i first got them so i took off the seal strip and cut/put new on and it fits super snug i shake the crap out of it with no worry. I agree with paka the logo on my silver flashvape is super discreet, honest to god i...
  17. YeeeBuddy

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Honestly give the stock cap/MP a chance once you try it you will see theirs no need for a screen. I actually tried the screen thing thinking it would hold my herb in place better and didn't like it at all, also i couldn't look at my herb every couple hits lol I am OCD about this i dunno why. I...
  18. YeeeBuddy

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Nope the stock cap/mp does a amazing job at not letting anything get through. You could put a screen on top of the bowl If you wish though.
  19. YeeeBuddy

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I can't really experiment at the moment all my herb is already sawdust. I am curious to hear what you guys find. I personally like the vapor production from the fine grind, but will not be recomending it in the future. I wasn't really having combustion problems more trying to help those that are...
  20. YeeeBuddy

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    OF i hope you dont mind me quoting your old posts, after searching 2250 these came up. Maybe save you some typing. IMO The 2250's are great and from what Ive read from the battery experts around here just as safe as the 2900's.
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