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  1. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    In my opinion, if you want the full experience of what the e-nano is capable of you need to use a water pipe. Stems are ok on lower temps but they are far too harsh for me at the temps I like to be at without going through my D020-D.
  2. Uzer

    Vape virgin need help!!

    I've read some lofty endorsements on FC, but I think this is the topper.
  3. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

  4. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    So if I understand correctly, there are improved GonGs available now? I got my nano about 3 weeks ago and I think I got the short one as there isn't much adjustment without the screen falling out. It's kind of wonky when you sit the nano on it. New ones are better? I see you've met my ex-wife.
  5. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Man, when I applied it I made a mess. I wouldn't want to do that more than once every couple weeks.
  6. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yes, I bought some bars of beeswax from Amazon for my walnut. Really brought out a rich deep color. Also I put some in the potpourri dish that came with my solo and put it on the nano. Beeswax aromatherapy between sessions.
  7. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Mine is 3 7/8" high and 1 7/8" in diameter.
  8. Uzer

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    How do these differ from the D020-D aside from the sidecar on the FC?
  9. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    After further "research" I found that upon placing the nano on my GonG it takes an second,slightly more forceful push to seat it level. Heats more evenly now. Might have to look into a better GonG though. Edit:I'm still curious about the ceramic cores being centered in others units.
  10. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I just, for the first time, vaped reclaim I scraped from my GonG. Cloudy!. With my Solo I'd always infuse it with hot chocolate but I really like putting it back in to vape in the nano. I scraped out a BB sized ball of almost black sticky goo and stuck it in ground material which stuck to it so...
  11. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Been experimenting with my e-nano the past week. I noticed on higher temps it will char the top of the herb somewhat, but it only does this to about half of the load. After looking into the heater I notice the ceramic element isn't centered in the the steel tube. It's leaning to one side...
  12. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yes, I got Your Order Is On The Way! email on Wed afternoon. With tracking. I was surprised at how fast it was honestly.
  13. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    My nano shipped from SANTA ANA, CA. Ordered Tuesday night, had it Friday afternoon on the east coast.
  14. Uzer

    How heavy a user are you?

  15. Uzer

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I have the same combo, e-nano/D020-D. You won't be disappointed. It's a perfect match imho, they share a basic simplicity and functionality that pair very well. SunshineStore was great.
  16. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Do you keep yours on or turn it on and off in between use?
  17. Uzer

    Arizer Solo

    Once you factor in shipping you're not saving anything on one you can get on Ebay. And the one on Ebay will be the latest model and you'll have it in a few days instead of a few weeks or more with Massdrop. The seller I got mine from is selling for $125.49 shipped right now. Good deals can be...
  18. Uzer

    Newbie Solo Vape Confusion! HELP!! Please :)

    If you're not getting an even bake throughout the bowl you may be packing it a bit too tightly. A medium grind packed very loosely works best for me. You want space between all the bits so the hot air can reach all the parts. Try sucking a bit of herb into the stem and lightly touch it with the...
  19. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Just got mine about an hour ago. I concur with this summation. This thing is a beast. Blows the Solo away on my D020-D. Powerful. Instant. Smooth. Wow. I can see how efficient it is, just a tiny bit of herb against the screen and huge clouds.
  20. Uzer

    Arizer Solo

    There's a review on this page by poonman.
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