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  1. wolfJflywheel

    Pen Imag Plus

    Just arrived from PIU. Quick shipping and a nice looking/feeling pen vape, especially for $55! What's the consensus on how many burnoffs I need before it stops tasting like melting plastic? Haven't actually loaded a screen yet, have done probably about 10 burnoffs on max and about halfway...
  2. wolfJflywheel

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Pretty sure the home-brew rosin method calls for around a quarter gram and yields a decently sized dab or more from good strains. I prefer a screen out of an enano to a dab as I feel it gets me more medicated. It's definitely a different experience from a dab though, in my opinion a more...
  3. wolfJflywheel

    Open Source Glass Thread

    Personally not a fan of Kathy's eggs. This new egg looks kind of sloppy and misaligned and I would assume she's photographing one of the better looking ones. As for the large egg, I would be interested if it had 12 holes like a standard egg, but with all the extra space why would she only use 8...
  4. wolfJflywheel

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    It's funny how opinions differ on the appropriate drain speed of the torus knockoffs. Looks like this is the torus for you Ratchett. ;) I love how CCG signs off every video with the phrase "highly recommended." Personally I think I'd prefer the CCG torus to Steven's, largely due to CCG's...
  5. wolfJflywheel

    Oregonglassblower (mike) Custom Glass Adapters and Accessories

    Thanks for the clarification t-dub. I thought it was supposed to work like rezblock without the nasty side effects. I used to use citric acid before I tried the cranberry extract and had the same issue with microbial growth. I'm back to just using plain water and rinsing my glass every few days...
  6. wolfJflywheel

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Jane from Steven's store contacted me today to inform me that DHG suspended their account for a week (she didn't share why, my guess would be all the fake tracking numbers they were sending out) and that Steven is working on getting the suspension repealed.
  7. wolfJflywheel

    Pen Imag Plus

    Hey Randy, Planning to place my order later today, might have to contact you if the Imag in my cart throws an error when I try to checkout. Yeah, I've been using a similar method to the one you linked. Getting tired of stirring the pot for an hour and squeezing out hot cheesecloth though, so my...
  8. wolfJflywheel

    Pen Imag Plus

    Well shit. At $55 I guess I'm going to have to pull the trigger on one of these. Looks like a decently made, competitively priced portable that should hold me over until the verdict is in on the GH. One question, what's the material around the ceramic heating element? In the PIU photo I see the...
  9. wolfJflywheel

    Oregonglassblower (mike) Custom Glass Adapters and Accessories

    It's cranberry extract. It's supposed to prevent resin buildup in your glass and prevent microbial growth unlike previous solutions. I tried it for a bit but always ended up with microbial growth in my glass after a few days. However, I was only adding a couple of drops per piece, so the color...
  10. wolfJflywheel

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Still waiting on Steven to actually ship/update my tracking for the straight fab. :/ Contacted the other day and got a message from Jane stating it was a holiday and she'd check today... This is definitely the longest I've waited for an order to be processed. All other vendors I've dealt with...
  11. wolfJflywheel

    Oregonglassblower (mike) Custom Glass Adapters and Accessories

    A bit belated, but I wanted to give OGB some positive feedback to hopefully sway others to give him their business. I ordered a replacement mouthpiece from him a little while back, also left a note saying an 18-14 reducer would be awesome if he had one laying around. He got both out to me...
  12. wolfJflywheel

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Yepyepyep. Steven waited until the deadline then sent me a fake tracking number. Still haven't gotten any updates on it in 3 or 4 days, so I messaged him asking for a real tracking number. Hopefully he ships my fab out today.
  13. wolfJflywheel

    Open Source Glass Thread

    Yes! That would get me interested in an incycler. I also contacted him a little while ago (and encourage you all to do the same) about a similar piece. I like kleins better than incyclers, so this is the piece I was recommending he try to recreate.
  14. wolfJflywheel

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    The best water level I've found for my dcycler is right below the 'uptake' arm that takes the water to the vortex chamber. Ours my vary slightly as mine is a custom model from ephanglass with a female joint, but our water level will probably be the same.
  15. wolfJflywheel

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Here's his latest update from his thread. I'm glad Ratchett and I have similar taste in vapes. It'll be nice to have him developing tools for the GH as well. Good call on switching from the fork tool to the poker stirrer Ratchett. You might even consider making the poker slimmer. I've been...
  16. wolfJflywheel

    Open Source Glass Thread

    It sounds like he's as on board with a binary matrix copy as the rest of us, he was just referring to this aspect of your post: That reads like you're asking for a counterfeit of the mobius piece, not just a generic copy of a binary matrix. Not saying you are, that's just what it reads like...
  17. wolfJflywheel

    Portable battery for use with volcano/extreme q?

    Thanks for sharing StickyShisha, especially the volcano's wattage requirements. Yeah, I have a power inverter for my car, definitely a handy device for all sorts of reasons. I'm more looking for a portable rechargeable battery with an inverter that I could use in a tent. This might be my only...
  18. wolfJflywheel

    Portable battery for use with volcano/extreme q?

    Hey everybody, sorry if this topic has already been touched on, but my searches revealed no relevant results. So, I own a volcano classic (might be trading it for an extreme q in the near future though) which I like to use when smoking with friends since passing the bag is faster and more...
  19. wolfJflywheel

    Open Source Glass Thread

    I would be down for a binary matrix copy. I just hope he doesn't copy that ugly joint support with the mobius logo on it. I'd love to see him make a copy of this piece: I don't think it would be too difficult for him considering he's already making pieces that incorporate the primary...
  20. wolfJflywheel

    Open Source Glass Thread

    Yeah, I'm a bit concerned about the pinch on that vortex as well. I take long slow rips and don't want to have water up the mouthpiece or whatever other problems that may cause. Do you mean a female d-cycler like this? This one has a nonfunctioning chamber on the side with a wigwag on it...
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