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  1. budballer

    too much of a good thing? Cannabis and Schizophrenia

    Well on that respect, true. But I don't haha
  2. budballer

    too much of a good thing? Cannabis and Schizophrenia

    It seems to be that way with a lot of things. I guess I'm just trying to prove that weed isn't that bad at all. However over using anything isn't good. Hell even taking too much vitamin c in a day makes you feel sick.. I just wasn't sure whether to believe all of this medical research that my...
  3. budballer

    Purple Days, Woodeez, or Myrtlezap

    PD! But I'm biased :)
  4. budballer

    too much of a good thing? Cannabis and Schizophrenia

    Hey FC, I'm not a daily vaper or heavy user, but I do have my binges from time to time. I feel like I'm going to get ripped head to toe for bringing this up. But is heavy continual use of marijuana a cause of Schizophrenia? I've been reading a lot of potential mental health effects and even...
  5. budballer

    Discontinued Zico iTorch Portable Battery Powered Vaporizer

    Hey keep us updated on this, looks sweet. But still. Anyone taken it apart? Is it a glass or steel air path or plastic? Bleh
  6. budballer

    Discontinued Zico iTorch Portable Battery Powered Vaporizer

    Looks pretty sweet but what materials are used in the air path? Foreign made makes me wary..
  7. budballer

    Discontinued Incognito Vaporizer

    Spectacular, thank you, so when it hits too low of a voltage will it just turn off? Or what
  8. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Post the new code when It's finished please? im trying to learn how to write.. wanna see if I can figure it out.
  9. budballer

    Discontinued Incognito Vaporizer

    HiPi! So glad I just discovered this thread. Watched the videos read every post. REALLY impressed with the products you provide at the price point. Bravo sir amazing work. I'm completely sold on the backpack incognito vape. Few questions though. How will battery discharge affect heat output over...
  10. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    hey hippie dickie, again nice work on the cube, looks spectacular. I'm curious though where do you get your pcb's printed for so cheap? and what design format do they accept? thank you
  11. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Great job with 14.2! Nice to see constant progression here man. Still most convenient vape design to date imo. Are you still using the old discontinued fet? Or did you get the new ones finally?
  12. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    lol i think i see what hes saying.... but dont see why its such a big deal
  13. budballer

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    This vape made me tear a little, just saying. Any way I could get the voltage and amp specs? I'm wondering if its possible to make this portable via lipo.
  14. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Okay you win, ill build my own crap lol sorry. If you could post up all your changes to the code and pcb as you go though that'd be spectacular. Still think this is the best vape design to date.
  15. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    can i just by an assembled 14.2 pcb off you with code loaded, haha pleasee? $65?
  16. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Hrm interesting progress overall, great job to you sir! I admire you're unrelenting persistance. But I wonder why all the complications with the pcb? I feel pike it'd be much easier to get a basic pwm controller like a motor speed controller and a dial. Then just use the thermocouple to...
  17. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Hrm interesting progress overall, great job to you sir! I admire you're unrelenting pers
  18. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    nope... but youre the expert lol, im just the poor chinese boy copying you're ideas...
  19. budballer

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    to use FDB8832_F085 will any other resistors or anything really need to be changed?
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