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  1. Medivape

    I had to send my Extreme back to Arizer last week

    And I've been missing it ever since. Last Sunday I awoke to the sound of the fan on my E. going off by itself. My initial thought was RF interference causing it to come on, but the display was not illuminated and the front panel buttons wouldn't shut it off. I e-mailed Arizer and they replied...
  2. Medivape

    Weed Movies?

    eLiguL, I watched the movie a couple times now and it is very good. I think it's absurd that we aren't at the very least exploring hemp for all it's uses. I'd like to know how much it costs to produce biofuel out of hemp vs. the alternatives. And I thought pot was decriminalized in Canada...
  3. Medivape

    Weed Movies?

    I agree. It's a very informative documentary. Thanks, eLiguL for this find. I'm watching it now. Joe Rogan is pretty funny in it.
  4. Medivape

    Strains and vaporizer flavor

    Lucky bastard. Welcome to the forum man! :D
  5. Medivape

    The LCD display on my Extreme...

    What's weird is that it's a perfectly straight line. I'll send an e-mail to Arizer and see what they say. If nothing else happens on the display, it's not a huge deal, just a minor annoyance.
  6. Medivape

    The LCD display on my Extreme...

    My Extreme stays on quite a bit during the day so I can take hits when I want and not have to wait for it to get warmed up good. Anyway while looking at the display today, I noticed a thin horizontal line that goes through the center that isn't illuminated. Does anyone else have this? I want...
  7. Medivape

    SSV vs. The Extreme Vape

    This is going off-topic, but tokinGLX, I was checking out some of your videos and you are a monster on your vape! If it were a musical instrument, you'd be pretty impressive!
  8. Medivape

    They call this the "world's best vaporizer"

    Holy shit I can't believe I didn't read this earlier. That is one of the funniest things I've read on this forum yet. :lol:
  9. Medivape

    SSV vs. The Extreme Vape

    That's a good explanation Beezleb. BTW I really like your avatar. It looks cool.
  10. Medivape

    Wife found out...

    Marvel, good for you and I'm glad things worked out. No kids, huh? I was just commenting to one of my friends today how fortunate I am that my wife ( a non-smoker) doesn't try to control my use of MJ. I think it's crazy, but I know a lot of people who don't use MJ, or have to go to great...
  11. Medivape


    Thanks guys, it is definitely a life improvement. That sounds so dramatic but it's true. The buttons on the front panel are easy to use. The only big thing I can see about the remote is that it makes turning the fan on and off a lot more convenient. A of Z, I don't see how you can be...
  12. Medivape

    extreme in whip mode

    I will have to try that. Is there a benefit to using the slower speed settings on the fan or is it a matter of, if all weed was equal, then: Higher fan speed use slightly higher temperatures Lower fan speed use slightly lower temperatures to compensate? Does that make sense?
  13. Medivape

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I haven't read this whole thread nor do I have a PD, but it looks like a very, very, cool vape. Especially the Blackwood and Rosewood units. If I know anyone looking for a portable vape that's stealthy, I will have to show them this one.
  14. Medivape

    extreme in whip mode

    How much do you pack in a bowl and how many hits are you getting on-demand? I'm fighting to get good vapor I now have to crank it up to 240C. A little below that, I still get high, but it's more of a relaxed and tingling feeling rather than a heavier stoned feeling. The pot I'm using is some...
  15. Medivape


    Very cool, Spiralarchitect. You know, Brookstone should sell vaporizers. They complement the tempur-pedic beds perfectly.
  16. Medivape

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Well, here was my story in this thread. My extreme came in the mail yesterday and I've been whipping it ever since. :D
  17. Medivape


    So my extreme was shipped on Monday and arrived this afternoon... I get the science behind how it works, simple really, but it is one of the coolest toys I've purchased, and my very first vaporizer. The remote is nice, but not necessary because the buttons are easy to press on the front...
  18. Medivape

    Legalize It! Your comments.

    Tell Your Representative to Support H.R. 5843! For starters. Link to Norml At least if they took federal prosecution off the table, it's one step closer. Then it's all states rights. I have high hopes for medical marijuana slowly being accepted. If it's legal in all states for medicinal...
  19. Medivape

    When I first read "Fuck Combustion" it made me think of...

    That group Folk Implosion and their catchy '90s single "Natural One". It's funny how certain things can trigger a jingle from your mental database.
  20. Medivape

    How to handle the inevitable dry spells

    Word. "Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit... unnatural?" - Bill Hicks
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