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  1. Pinte

    Do you like coffee?

    Nah, I only look at the research that says drinking coffee is healthy for you, and ignore the ones that say the opposite.
  2. Pinte

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Man. This Pro Steampunk Edition is the Bentley of the vaping world. Goddamn is she pretty, and the hits are still so dang smooth. I can't get over it.
  3. Pinte

    Portable dry herb vape with a BIG load

    Larger chamber means larger heating element, which means larger vape.
  4. Pinte

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Got my factory second today as well. I see absolutely no scuffs or scratches anywhere. It's really nice!
  5. Pinte

    What's in your vape right now?

    Finishing off the weekend with some Hood Candy followed up with a little Girl Scout Cookies a little later to shuffle off to dreamland on a cloud. dynavap'd
  6. Pinte

    Anything like the Wand?

    The only one I know of that can do the vapcaps and bangers is the wand so far. Otherwise the ones listed above will be your main options for vapcap only.
  7. Pinte

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Been using mine for three days now. It's a fantastic device. I stuck it to 360F and that seems to be a good temp to just suck on. The flavor is great and it's super duper smooth which I wasn't expecting - every vape I have used will make me cough eventually - not yet with this. I did grab the...
  8. Pinte

    Delaware Cannabis News

    Congrats! Any progress is better than no progress! Reading his quotes, it appears he is just ignorant on the entire issue. I wonder if the problem here is that he didn't have any proper counseling, be it by other state's governors, or anyone at all. Maybe he simply refused to listen, and will...
  9. Pinte

    Do you like coffee?

    I absolutely love coffee in the morning. I used to be a super snob about it all, but I've settled to just enjoying anything that is just plain jane dark ground coffee that comes from a tub. I make a pot and sip it all morning long.
  10. Pinte

    What's in your vape right now?

    Miracle Alien Cookies with my airvape LPSE. YUM
  11. Pinte

    What’s on your 4/20 wishlist?

    Local shops had everything 42.0% off, including ridiculously expensive and awesome glass. But, I resisted cept for some replacement Dynavap condenser O rings. Until I got to the dispensary across the street and everything was 50% off. $15 an 8th yes please, I'll try this this this this and that.
  12. Pinte

    Paypal and vaporizer

    Seems weird. Vaporizers are a common name for humidifiers. Just send paypal a message saying it's a Vicks Vaporizer for your bedroom and you use VapoPads and VapoSteam for allergies. Might be worth mentioning to Vicks the company that PayPal is blocking their items from being sold.
  13. Pinte

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I got it smoothed out! I think since it got so warm while enjoying it, and just massaging it over and over it was enough to get it patted down. That said, these are some smooth hits. Thumbs up.
  14. Pinte

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    It's the blue textile material. They're just stickers or something. The lid one is fraying on the edges like it's too big, and has a thin line bubble. It's not a terrible job, but for the cost you don't want to see this. Honestly, I'll probably just forget about it once I use this thing after...
  15. Pinte

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Don't suppose they have replacement lid stickers for the SE do they? Mine has bubbles n stuff under it and it's not laying down properly with pressure. Just got it, and my OCD is going nuts.
  16. Pinte

    Europe's legalization

    NA Canada, maybe. The USA, true to form, accidentally "legalized" it everywhere with that farm bill. None of which actually surprises me, but we'll take the win, even if it comes from the chaos zone of politics. 350 million population, and we can show the sky hasn't been falling since 2018.
  17. Pinte

    What’s on your 4/20 wishlist?

    Not so much a wishlist, but stuff I jumped on for the early 4/20 deals. Grabbed the Dynavap Purple Haze pack (parts are going to a custom wood stem I have coming and the current parts from my M will go to the glass adapter), and an airvape Legacy Pro SE + ruby tube + glass adapter. BCG grinder...
  18. Pinte

    Ispire Wand with flower

    Works great with my Dynavaps. I have the Ispire DV adapter. I used one of those $50 dental heaters before with adapter and it was fine also, but you had to plug it in every time which was annoying. The Wand is so much nicer being so portable. Worth the cost easily, imo.
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