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  1. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Got mine yesterday. Still playing around with it. I immediately spread my 20mm coil while installing it onto my liger. So far I am pretty pleased, still trying to dial it in but have been getting pretty decent hits with the Quartz insert @ 650 so far. Look forward to testing it more after work...
  2. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    would anyone mind posting pictures of a spread 20mm coil? I have yet to do this yet and am a bit anxious about taking pliers to my heating coil TBH. Looks like my 20mm + both caps + sic insert should be arriving tomorrow
  3. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Shipping confirmation just arrived. For those curious I preordered around the 20th of October.
  4. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Just sharing what was communicated to me by Josh. I imagine the man is more familiar with his own business than I am.
  5. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Emailed Josh today as I was given a predicted shipping date of this week. He mentioned he was expecting the next order of Ti from the mailman today and would be shipping orders tomorrow, Saturday, or Monday. I would imagine many of the other preorders would be included in that as well.
  6. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Hoping to see some shipping notifications in this thread this week!
  7. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I was told about a week or two this Monday, I placed my preorder around the 21st I believe.
  8. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Question for the v3 beta testers about what coil temperatures you are able to pull off?
  9. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Officialy bit by the e-nail bug. HARD I have had my Auber RDK 300 for less than and a week and today... I Preordered a 20mm v3 liger + hurricane cap. Holding off on the inserts until next pay check. Can't wait.
  10. LazyIdol

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    These look very interesting. As the owner of a brand new Auber + 20mm coil I am intrigued. Wonder if they will have a sale on V2's once the V3 is released.
  11. LazyIdol

    Auber Instruments RDK200 e-nail

    Jumped on the Auber train. Choo choo! My RDK 300 + 20mm coil + universal nail came yesterday. Waiting on some hyman quartz enails and accessories and a new FC FTK 10'' from Steven. So far I am in love with this thing. Need to tighten up my coil as well though. Back to FC after a much too...
  12. LazyIdol

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Your search-fu is strong! I tried a few combinations and couldnt find anything. I remembered reading somthing very similar to that long ago. So that seems like it will work than! Thanks @Quetzalcoatl and @OF
  13. LazyIdol

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Has anyone made a powerpack for the power adapter? I take my magic flight backpacking and would love a way to utilize the adjustability of the power adapter. I was thinking somthing like this might work...
  14. LazyIdol

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Order from steven came in today. Very impressed with the FC-710 and the straight fab 18mm.
  15. LazyIdol

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Ordered a 18mm straight fab and diffusion pump from Steven. Both should be here monday. pretty excited. Also ordered a custom dropdown from Joda to go with them
  16. LazyIdol

    Delete please

    My shelf that I kept all my vape gear on fell a few months ago and broke my daily drivers. Planning to replace them with the StevenLmz Fc-710 and his straight fab. Instead of waiting 3-4 weeks for shipping I figured I would check if anyone in the FC fam wants to get rid of theirs. Send me a...
  17. LazyIdol

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    to me the FC rattle can looks like it is actually 18mm. The bowl sitting next to it definitely looks like 18mm to me.
  18. LazyIdol Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    Had to drop in to commend Randy and the crew on amazing customer service again. Emailed Randy this morning inquiring about something not listed on the website. Randy responded within 5 minutes, and sent me an invoice with a great deal within 10. Some of the best customer service I have ever...
  19. LazyIdol

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    bubbler or Jhook? Looks amazing @NickDlow. You continue to amaze me with your excellent collection of wood, glass, and accessories. Keep up the good work my friend
  20. LazyIdol

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Really cheered me up to come home to 8 notifications after a rough day. This is why FC is such a great community.
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