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  1. J Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    So apparently I'll be buying a UD soon?
  2. J

    Arizer Air or MFLB?

    Tried a mflb a couple weeks ago that turned me onto vaping, was pretty nice. But after doing the research I settled on a solo for my needs, just got it yesterday and after only a few sessions, I can easily say the solo is so far above the mflb that my friend is probably ordering one now. Heat up...
  3. J

    Your next two vape purchases?

    Well, I just got my first vape yesterday (solo) and I'm think my next purchase is gonna be some a planet vape stem and some kind of water tool. Have barely even looked around yet but I love water sooo yea. And after that I'm considering a discreet portable... possibly a flowermate of some sort...
  4. J Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    So normally I'm just a lurker on forums, just here to learn. Well today I feel compelled to post about how awesome PIU is. So Friday morning I ordered my first vape, after a long couple weeks of research I settled on a solo. Was feeling pretty impatient so I went with 3 day shipping for and...
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