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  1. Spy Car

    Dynavap VapCap

    Question for more experienced Dynavapers. I have a fairly new Hyperdyn (my first DV device). Very much enjoying it and just added a Wand. My only issue is that I just discovered that one of my dearest friends (and a regular smoking buddy who has used Volcanos for the past18 years) has some...
  2. Spy Car

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    How much do I love it that I'm 6 years older than the forum member @old-fart ? LOL I too went to UC Berkeley (Go Bears!) after a 2 year introduction to college (and the word's all-time best herb) living in Isla Vista (UCSB). I worked with (rather than for) Apple as a digital filmmaker (editor)...
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