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  1. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    The yoyokid said the replacement stem was that length to cool down the vapor a bit more. I will be ordering mine tonight to see just how much cooler it makes the vapor. Also to see if its as versatile with bongs, as it seems it should work well inserted directly into the slide (although I am a...
  2. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    You are correct, jumped the gun, got excited. Still Sweet though! Nothing a drill can't handle!
  3. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Yes @Abraham310! I was just going to post that! Now you can use your old non glass lined PonGs again! They look like they would fit nicely in any standard water pipe too:). The yoyokid1 is the man! . only $12.50 each shipped!
  4. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    I'm with you @bdmonkeyj3w I have had my SR74X for 4 months I think and haven't had any problems at all with it what so ever. I've swapped black and white rods constantly and have had 0 problems with it. I love it to death. Not one single problem and I use it VERY often! And I don't have a meter...
  5. Vape Dr.

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    The F-bomb kicks all the pinnacle water tools asses @virtualpurple! You know that! I think you and I are the only ones truly getting the most out of our vapormax!:D The F-bomb ( Robert is the man!) is almost twice the price of the pinnicle WT, but its 3 times better! Way worth...
  6. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    There's my inhalator 05! The 3rd one from the left! Did you see it!:D I'm so freakin excited! They look amazing Greg! Now Gimmie!:goon:
  7. Vape Dr.

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Excellent! make sure you go through Flower! She's the best! You can reach her at Here is a link to her, $50.50 each! It is awesome with the F-Bomb!:D
  8. Vape Dr.

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    @virtualpurple No Worries! Other people might want to try this method as well, so I'm glad you brought it up my friend! I have many pinnacle bullets and some fit and some barely fit. Also ***NOTE*** you have to take the collar of the FM mouth piece for it to fit in the pinnical bullets...
  9. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    Same Unit, just higher temperature settings.
  10. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    They decided to go with lower temperature settings. You have one of a handful of these indicas out there!
  11. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    The first batch of 05s are scheduled to ship out on Monday Aug 3rd with apx 15 units, the rest of the indiegogo backers units will be shipped out throughout the week until Friday august 8. All units will be supplied with 1 standard and 1 newly designed "air" capsule. The "air" capsule is a non...
  12. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    Ok @TNT_error, I got the lowdown on your Indica. Good news. It is a real Indica. It was from a pre production batch made at the beginning of the year that was never released to the public. It has slightly different temperature settings which are: Temp #1 Green 365F Temp #2 Blue 377F Temp #3...
  13. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    The Indica goes as such: Temp #1 Cyan (light blue) 340F Temp #2 Blue 358F Temp #3 Green 376F Temp #4 Purple 394F Temp #5 Red 412F Battery: White 100-60% charge Green 60-20% charge Red 20-0% charge There is no yellow color display on the indica for temperature or any other function. Is this the...
  14. Vape Dr.

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    They work awesome, I thought I mentioned that. Pinnacle bullets work as well (not all fit but most do).
  15. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Good question @2clicker! That would be nice to have extra capsules pre filled. I have a feeling my 05 is going to see a lot of mileage! I can't wait! @Country-Mac I believe just the indiegogo backers got emails. You would have to go to the site and order one. Love the sig. I love its always...
  16. Vape Dr.

    Hello, is the Vablur still going into production? I have waiting for more information on this...

    Hello, is the Vablur still going into production? I have waiting for more information on this unit. I am very intrigued by it. If it is still going into production, will you be needing any beta testers for the unit? I would love to beta test and review the Vablur if possible. Please let me know...
  17. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    That's a beautiful thing! Which ones mine!:D
  18. Vape Dr.

    Rapid Fire Pocket Puffer

    Lol, Very nice @Jethro! I did like the look of the first model as well. The production models look a bit bulkier, but I'm sure there's a reason for that. If it works better, I'm all for it! I will be able to better describe it and get pictures up so you can compare the size of other vapes when...
  19. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    I am not sure of the size. I had my local hardware store order in heat resistant O-rings in all the sizes he could. Most of them were SOLO size or small. I brought the cart and bought a few that fit. I will find out the size for you though my friend.
  20. Vape Dr.

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Sometimes I have to hold the button down and screw the cart on with the button depressed to get it to work. @Caligula is probably right. You may have screwed the cart too tight and cracked or chipped the white insulator on the top. I found some really tiny O-rings I put on my carts so I don't...
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