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  1. florduh

    Random thoughts

    Yo, if you guys ever want to go down a weird Wikipedia rabbit hole you gotta look up "slavery". Shit's crazy!
  2. florduh

    Favourite Quotes

  3. florduh

    Weird News Stories of the Day.....

    Brother, Travis Kelce doesn't have time for this stupid shit because he actually has to work instead of collecting disability and going on dumbass podcasts. To recap, since taking the dreaded...
  4. florduh

    Puffco Proxy

    I’ll admit I can’t see myself using that color. But I’ll also admit it’s the best looking Proxy so far.
  5. florduh

    Puffco Proxy

    Puffco released a special edition for people who were interested in their little hash purse.
  6. florduh

    Cannabis News

    Oh, I'd much rather live in OK than Texas. Not even a close contest due to the cannabis situation alone. Unfortunately OK also has a housing affordability crisis, more driven by low wages than high prices. The violent crime rate is also higher than California or Texas. Not shitting on OK by...
  7. florduh

    Cannabis News

    Thanks. I don't have anything particularly bad to say about NM. And I agree that Cali is riddled with problems. It's just that basically every other State is even worse. The biggest problem in Cali is housing affordability. While houses are cheaper in Florida, the gap between wages and...
  8. florduh

    Cannabis News

    I don't have a problem with that. My issue is with vetoing cannabis lounges over concerns about "worker health" in a State where hookah lounges are perfectly legal. And a State where home ownership is now a distant dream for average workers and Landlords are well within their rights to ban...
  9. florduh

    Cannabis News

    What State do you live in now?
  10. florduh

    Fake News

    This is an image of an apartment building in Gaza being bombed, so I'm not sure what this headline is implying. New solution to the housing affordability crisis: convincing people homelessness is a "simpler life".
  11. florduh

    Cannabis News What a fucking idiot
  12. florduh

    Upgrade from a Saionara TAF with Crossing Tech SiC bucket running on an iStick Pico mod.

    I also own the M22. It's an awesome device, but I'd still recommend the v5 over it. You'll easily be able to get 1 degree temp control to work on the v5 with your Pico. TC is almost impossible to achieve on the M22 without their proprietary mod, which isn't available for purchase yet...
  13. florduh

    Upgrade from a Saionara TAF with Crossing Tech SiC bucket running on an iStick Pico mod.

    If you don't want to spend much, you could grab the Divine Tribe v5, since you already have the Pico. I'd suggest combining it with the Hubble Bubbler. This will be a big upgrade over the Sai for a small investment. Even if you end up investing in a pricier e-rig down the road, you'd have a...
  14. florduh

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    You have to give your email addy to read this story, but it's worth it. Haaretz is the oldest paper in Israel. Basically, their version of the New York Times. Reading their coverage over the past few days, I can't help but think that, if in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the actual NYT had...
  15. florduh

    Random thoughts

    Shit...I was talking about the first Death Star. These terrorists blew up a second Death Star, that was still under construction. The sickos murdered hundreds of thousands of contractors and construction workers. Barbaric terrorist celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians: Plus a...
  16. florduh

    Weird News Stories of the Day.....

    No, you're 100% right
  17. florduh

    Random thoughts

    I just found out there were at least 250,000 civilians on the Death Star.,associated%20contractors%20and%20catering%20staff. I used to support the Rebel Alliance's struggle against an oppressive...
  18. florduh

    Fake News

    "Have died" makes it sound like it was natural causes. Seems odd given that the median age in Gaza is 18 years old. Meaning at least half of those 500 people who ceased living (for whatever reason) were children.
  19. florduh

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    Very sad news. The same thing happened to my granny.
  20. florduh

    Weird News Stories of the Day.....
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