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  1. howie105

    The Religion Thread

    Good morning CarolKing. If the people decide that Trump has to go it will take the support of many republican citizens to reach the critical mass needed to make it happen via the system and to minimize additional damage to the nation as it occurs. Sadly the extreme political and social...
  2. howie105

    The Religion Thread

    Its a pointless exercise, telling potential killers that they can't come here, it will be just as effective as telling drug smugglers they can't move industrial size loads into the US. However such proclamations keeps people engaged in the narrative as other interesting things happen in the...
  3. howie105

    Cannabis News

    Even if the fed drives itself back into the 80's it won't make much of a difference if Canada goes legal. There just isn't enough political building capital for both a northern and southern boarder wall. Besides it was smokeing in the 80's, 70's and the 60's for those who wanted to light the night.
  4. howie105

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I agree the fixed screen is the least adaptable (load wise) as to too shallow that depends on the user. Take a look at the load sizes folks are using in the micro dose thread, those flexible screen loads can be real small.
  5. howie105

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Preference, If one wants maximum taste its a dry stem for some. Other folks just have to have water for various reasons and it a question of how much and how. So in the end, for me its what trips your trigger.
  6. howie105

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Luck of the draw on wood, some wooden things last for a very long time with hard use and minimal care other well crafted and tended wooden items fail early on. With that crap shoot approach in mind I let my Nano run about sixteen hours a day and sort of exspect it to fail at any moment. If it...
  7. howie105

    E-Nano from Epickai

    If the unthinkable happened? If you had to replace you E-Nano as your primary vape what would you select out of your current vape inventory and if you wish, why? I would end up with my LSV because I am a log type guy and that’s as close as I can come to the E-Nano out of my current in house...
  8. howie105

    When Bud Won't Vape.............

    So have you tried drying out a few loads a bit more? That is quicker and easier then looking for possible user or device errors.
  9. howie105

    WTF Is Wrong With America And Gun Control?

    I am hopeful that the Hearing Protection Act passes too, and sound suppressors become more easily available. I can see the Mosssberg Shockwave with a suppressor being the house gun ticket for some folks For myself its a bit too late but the Begals will be better off.
  10. howie105

    Climate Change

    Part of the problem with the warming discussion and many others is that once something has been politicized objectivity and cooperation are often the first victims on the way to gridlock.
  11. howie105

    What if everyone lived in trailers, and said fuck it to things like Rolexes?

    The end is near is an old tool to keep everyone on edge and distracted. The threats of, nuclear war, out of control diseases, solar flares, asteroid collision, Y2K have all been presented as the end of days. You are so right that the presentation is getting cranked up but to what end?
  12. howie105

    The Religion Thread

    You either buy into a presentation or you don't. There were and are all kinds of devout followers out there, ancestor believers, nature worshippers, buddhist followers, pick a mythos . Often the true believers assessment is they have the open line to the powers that be and others probably...
  13. howie105

    Why own so many different vapes?

    So many reasons, marketing, actual product improvements, changing needs, etc. So even if there were "perfect vapes" out there some people would still be looking.
  14. howie105

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Three hose clamps, some loctite 9340 hysol epoxy and rubber band padding to protect the wood from the clamps as the epoxy dried is what we used to hold the loaner nano together.
  15. howie105

    What is your favorite thing to do after vaping?

    Trying to work things out with the big mare of a herd, humbling yet rewarding once a behaviour starts working out.
  16. howie105


    Vinegar is good for cleaning calcium off glass, letting it soak for a period maybe necessary depending on the amount of build up.
  17. howie105


    I hot water rinse it after cleaning and it has worked fine every tine., or I haven't fallen over dead, yet.
  18. howie105

    Cannabis News

    If you were to follow a group of cardiac patients you could find all kinds of triggers from a drink of water to a walk down the street. Also "heart attacks" is too general of a term to mean much clinically too many conditions fall under that title to mean much. Smoke and mirrors.
  19. howie105

    DDave Mod for SSV/ DBV/ LSV

    Drop back to stock configuration and see if that works, if it doesn’t you will have a pretty good idea that its not the mod.
  20. howie105

    Cannabis News

    I see it as one of those your body, your choice things which is a much more relevant then what some functionary thinks of its as a medication.
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