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  1. MoltenTiger

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    If I was cleaning a combustion this is my usual method in regards to those questions. 1. I usually only use a maximum of about 1tsp per bong per rinse. Typically I'd use 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of powder to ~500mL boiled water. 2. I always boil the kettle to mix with PBW as the extra heat from boiling...
  2. MoltenTiger

    Hemp Flower

    I'd say, it took me about 2 or 3 years to finally and fully get over the subliminal cravings. It's very freeing on the other side. The 'cravings' certainly were minimal over the time, and they were always so subtle yet powerful, but I guess I realised I was over it eventually. And now I can't...
  3. MoltenTiger

    Heaviest hitting

    The Sublimator is definitely lacking (relatively) in the flavour department, and as @lazylathe says, that can mean the difference between favourites. It's worth considering other options just for that, and possibly (more so) for price and availability. But the Sub does special things even if it...
  4. MoltenTiger

    Discontinued Hopper io

    the io allegedly maxes out at 230 C with unknown accuracy. Combustion begins at ~240 C, so it is quite close to it in theory. But humidity of the flower, airflow, ambient temp, altitude, and probably other variables, will cause different reactions. The legacy hoppers maxed out at 210 C, and I...
  5. MoltenTiger

    Heaviest hitting

    After the first ever session with my Sublimator I slept like a baby. The EQ, Grasshopper, TUBOx, StemPod, MFLB, Vapcap all keep me awake. If I'm really tired and hit one it will put me in a pleasant stupor/cycle and keep me awake. Hit, chill, repeat. I could do this for days.. I smoked heavily...
  6. MoltenTiger

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    This and the battery itself is definitely worth a check, the postive and negative ends build up gunk over time too. You can also try madly turning the dial from 1 - 5 to try and 'scrape' the internal contacts. Blu-tac does a pretty good job on the threads, mostly for upkeep. DeoxIT or some...
  7. MoltenTiger

    Activated Carbon and Vaping

    No need to apologise! I still think it is worth highlighting the MSDS and the associated risks clinically as such. This stuff needs to be handled with some care after all, but it is reasonably safe, relatively harmless (arguably harm reductive) when used appropriately. But it can pose its own...
  8. MoltenTiger

    Activated Carbon and Vaping

    Using granulated activated carbon (molecularly dissimlar to charcoal, it is a complex graphene crystalline structure after heat treatment 'activation') does not introduce any visible powder to the mix, unless you're doing it wrong, which is easy enough. If you have loose graphene degrading from...
  9. MoltenTiger

    Activated Carbon and Vaping

    I used activated charcoal a few times back when I was smoking. It was interesting, it really was well suited to filtering smoke and it didn't really have a huge impact on the potency either. It kept the water absolutely crystal clear for many tokes. I would recommend using water after carbon...
  10. MoltenTiger

    Sublimator Orion

    I read on Instagram a comment from Enrico 1 week back saying about a hold up with the Monkey Controllers. Likely at this point to be plastics or electronics, but either way waiting on the Chinese suppliers to ramp production back up. Shouldn't be a lot longer
  11. MoltenTiger

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Man am I sick of waiting on my io. It's either lost or stuck in San Francisco. One month to the day without a tracking update. So far these 35 days of transit have been the most annoying wait for a hopper for me, I can handle the 13 month odd wait for HL but checking tracking multiple times a...
  12. MoltenTiger

    Discontinued Hopper io

    Neither am I, but if you get arcing there, there is going to be emmissions and noise which might fuck with things. Normally the device is assembled before it's powered too, so it is usually holding a consistent channel for comms. Granted I have taken front ends off with running units and never...
  13. MoltenTiger

    Discontinued Hopper io

    It butts right up against it, metal to metal. Sure the things seem to work with a disconnected front end. Mine always have. But how it actually works is mysterious to me. I'm no EE but given that these things use some kind of pulse width modulation it is my suspicion that by removing the front...
  14. MoltenTiger

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    That's neat. Great to see a vid showing the io like that too, the back end looks nice with brass threads. A power converter that can accept 20V would be sweet for USB-C PD with the io. Difficult to interface with a portable power bank, but not for long. I got my trigger board the other day and...
  15. MoltenTiger

    Discontinued Hopper io

    The front end isn't insulated from the body, which is pumping data and power at alarming rates into the enclosure. Who fuckin knows with these things. The art of vaporisation is complex, and what the hopper is computing is quite a bit at once. It's why it works so good. It's demonstrably easy...
  16. MoltenTiger

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    Yeah that clip is quite bent. Normally they sit close to the body, that thing is decently far off. Looks easy enough to install when bent like that, but could definitely be easier overall. The clip can bend back, but that’s easily avoided wear and tear. If slotting the adapter doesn’t work...
  17. MoltenTiger

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    Interesting to note that it worked without the adapter. With the flickering, do you think it engaged a low power mode? Was the draw otherwise normal? Any back end heat? It might be a resistive difference causing these observations. The io being much higher wattage would require significantly...
  18. MoltenTiger

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    That's a pity. Have you tried the legacy back end on the io before? Does it power it up normally? Potentially the io back-end might allow it to work if it's part of the assembly. @maxvapor710 any ETA on international postage?
  19. MoltenTiger

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    It's definitely possible with a custom circuit, and it could be quite compact. This little trigger gadget should be fun to play with, this link may be of interest
  20. MoltenTiger

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    It may well be, but it's below 100W demands, so it should be possible to interface USB-C to the Hopper with the existing USB-PD standards. The data sheet for the HP 3PN48AA does state it can do 12V 60W DC, and the ZY12PDN Trigger board can select this and handle the power. I feel confident that...
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