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  1. Doppelgott

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Hey Guys! I just bought a 2012/2013 Pax and needed an Adapter for charging here in Germany. I (blind) bought this gem: It says max 250v. My Pax says 110 - 240v. Most people i asked said it wont be a...
  2. Doppelgott

    one day you will be my horse

    one day you will be my horse
  3. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    why would you try the Firefly? Just to try it?
  4. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Its not just you - i am aware of the danger. But i got sick the last year a few times (just happend, didnt do anything wrong or highly risky or so). not just my lungs, other stuff too. it was the shittiest year of my life. No more cig smoking, no more alcohol, no more intense exercise, no more...
  5. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Thank you! Had my 2nd pneumothorax. this time on the other side and they romeved tissue in the top lobe. so i got that going on, which is not very nice. but this time, i hope it was the last time. New date considerung to by a vaporizer: Mid 2014....yay.... BUT im all about the pax now. the...
  6. Doppelgott


  7. Doppelgott

    Arizer Solo

    I ve read that some had a funny smell and wont work quite fine after a while?
  8. Doppelgott

    Arizer Solo

    Hey guys. I am interested in buying a used solo. The solo is about a year and a half old. From amazon uk. Is there anything i should ask him? Important issues etc.?? Also this is the serialnumber. Is this a "good" one? (Flavor smell etc) Thanks so much!
  9. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    I bought mine from ebay Germany. Tax and duty customs are too high. Bought it for 100€. 4 months old. With original papers for warranty.
  10. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Yea. I thought maybe 1 month isnt long enough... coughing is no problem at the moment.even started running again. Slow and steady :)
  11. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Update! I said i would update if im buying one. Well, its finally about to happen. Also, this is the serial-number: M1A3809182. This is a "good one" right?? This is a good deal right now. But i think im waiting another month until my first inhale - just to be safe.
  12. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery, fyi
  13. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Theres a massdrop sale right now. saves me about 100€. Signed up! Cant wait. Like getting new jordans :)
  14. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Its a used one. 6 months old
  15. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery I think, i´ll buy this one with a new straw and these heat-proof o-rings (ive read, that these rings will be need after a while using.)
  16. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Ok. Update: Buying the Solo! BUT, now ive read something about the different serialnumbers, like the 104 tastes better than the 107 aso. Whats about that "issue"? Thanks again, you´re really a goldmine of vape-knowlegde!
  17. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Thank you very much everyone. I really appreciate your answers. And yes, typo. also not a native speaker - so please forgive me my lack of spelling. Im trying :) just found the solo on puffitup for 160$ fyi.
  18. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    And which one has smother vape? (you know, the lung thing :) )
  19. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Im considering buying the pax at the moment. Solo is still my fav but you know, stealth. Would you recommend the pax or solo?
  20. Doppelgott

    Vaping after Pneumothorax Surgery

    Thanks! I will give you guys an update as soon as possible
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