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  1. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    well three red lights, two green. am i fucked and gotta send in for warranty? im about to cry :/
  2. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    dude my circ is SO crooked, i was really bummed at first, but it does not effect the funtion (from what i can tell) at all... everyone that uses it says, bro your shit is crooked, then they hit it and say.. "nevermind, it works fine." just an excuse to buy MORE glass. at least you know its...
  3. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Just stopping by :science:
  4. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    thats awesome! we were watching this on the couch saying to eachother how fucking hard it would be to try and present something like a vape at a non-cannabis crowd, but being in SF that makes it a lot easier... but also going up against all those other pretty crazy inventions... pretty awesome...
  5. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    ah, lol just wipe it with iso and youll be good. cant wait for ya to try it for the first time, its really awesome everytime you use it tho i made a video response for someone, got some nice little clouds :)
  6. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    haha i didnt realise you put outside the airpath so i had to edit in the hydratube :lol: i thought you were talking about cleaning the glass piece before using it lol. how are you liking it so far? you got the swag circ right?
  7. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    zombie.... rinse that HT with water and just get high already ok ? you have waited long enough....
  8. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    nice stu... "AWWUAH PFFHUUUGGH!" dont you hate when shit like that happens? :tup:
  9. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    thats what i was hoping for, add a tree to my circ :)
  10. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    "this IS tobacco" dude takes a huge hit rambles on with some real crazy speaches hahahah!
  11. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    haha stonemonkey is live! showing some new glass!
  12. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    damn, sounds like a sad day for deliveries :( the hydrafeet stand is also great for holding a pre loaded ELB the layback neck for the swagger pieces is seriously worth it all, works great at the couch and on the table :) not having to worry about technique, batt life, loading, unloading...
  13. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    ive stopped taking my portables with me every time i leave the house, only when im gonna be gone for more than a few hours. usually id just pack a bowl for the road no matter where i was going, but every time i leave my house its on a cloud that's forsure...
  14. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    lol, i just bought mine, does that count? and a handfull of other memers also waiting on shipping lol. sticky notes, buisness cards and all that stuff has been great for loading, i just need to find a good balance between a tight fit and loose fit and mould the bowls properley cause theyre too...
  15. Xchadb

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    ah puffers! dude i just threw away the slip with the tracking number from the DG and got a little sad haha if you ever want to sell me back that octopus dome ill be happy to buy it ;)
  16. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    ugh, people, just stop it... stop trying to justify the price, cause as soon as you take your first hit youll have no problems paying that price. so dont be mad if you cant afford it, just save up or build some credit its worth it. i wasted so much money trying other vapes that i realise i...
  17. Xchadb

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    so its been forever since ive been in here but now that im back in the swing of things, and now have a cloud, ill be in the market :) super happy with all the progress made so far and when the money comes in i hope to spend it here
  18. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    btw i got mine while i was outa bud, those videos were me vaping scraps n stems haha soon those bubbles will be milky white haha. got some tonight so excited to see this thing on a full bowl
  19. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    oh i avoid it, it just freaked me out when it happened. and for everyone wondering its just and old dirty ssv whip, thats soapy water, and im blowing bubbles cause im a simple minded retard that enjoys life everyday, just bubbles.....for FUN :) but really try it, gets me higher cause im so focus...
  20. Xchadb

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    thanks for all the tips dudes! im sure ill be pro and have a routine in a week. right now the hydrafoot stand really helps for simplyfing things. i also have the habbit of clogging the airpath by setting it on top of my knee flush.
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