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  1. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    fuck it works again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! funny but I also did what @biohacker said:"I'm not sure why, but out of the blue my straight to blue no heating went back to normal heating, so it's probably not broken, but potentially just "stuck". Try a super clean, try drawing on it empty in case some...
  2. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I only vaped flower in it... but I cleaned it .. normally it is even more resin (after 2 to 3 weeks vaping everyday) but I am sure if you position your gh like me you will also get such resin... try it! it is ubelieveable!
  3. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    found away to keep the costs at 10 euros but will not send it in its original package but bubble bag then it will cost 10 euros not 20 euros
  4. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    BTW I am always trying to keep my hopper in a position like this... because I have observed resin is coming out of the tip of my mp and always worried if i would keep it in the other direction this resin maybe will run in the heater or gunk up a sensor... next time i will put a parchment...
  5. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    sorry guys and girls yes I was maybe a bit harsh but today I am bit frustrated and stressed so hope you can forgive me and understand me... and also I do not have a working hopper to ease my mind ;) and I REALLY HATE THIS BRUSHES... I will show you some pics of my cleaning routine...
  6. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    sorry but I really can not understand why you will buy such a brush to clean your gh... yes and please use this plastic brush after you emptied your bowl so the plastic melts in to your hot bowl... and if I am lucky I will get your used and plastic in the bowl melted scratched gh hopper body as...
  7. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    ? do not get it.. understand it.. sorry do you mean daftpunk the guys who produce music...
  8. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I am ready to buy me a flight ticket to usa boulder colorado, if they do not get it right (I am from europe).. and will beat them up ; ) so ghl if you read this get your things sortet out...
  9. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    thank you for your kind words... no it is really not the end of the world... hmmm blue flickering lights I had them when receiving my replacment bodies in november I think... so maybe it is not the backend... but who knows... hopemthey will sort the problems out in the near future... BECAUSE...
  10. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I have the same problem blue light immiediately without heating... this seems the new cop light... also @natural farmer s brother has the problem with its gh... I am glad not the be the only one... I am actually waiting for the answer to ly warranty request... please let me know if they respond...
  11. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I watched nownsome videos of both vapes using a bubbler and judging only on the videos... the gh milks bubblers much more... ok there could be several reasons why that could be... eg lighting, herb, technique and so on... here are some of the videos: first gh: and vapcap...
  12. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I tried it and I have to say the vapor of my gh is thicker than vapcap with less air restriction... maybe I am doing something wrong or maybe your gh does not work as it should or my vapcap.... maybe the vapor would be thicker if heating some seconds after the click but than the abv is black...
  13. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    yes as stated before I am from europe and postage costs to an european retailer would be half the costs then sending to HL (usa) Imhave both ss and ti... I used my ti as a backup so I had three times cop light issues with my ss, one time only red lights without turning blue with my ti and now...
  14. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    hmm received a new body from ghl 1,5 to 2 months ago and it also got the cop lights sensor damage... this time they asked me to send in my gh and told me they will repair it... yes I also had the same thought but saw that verdampftnochmal and vapefiend are out of stock now... so if I am buying...
  15. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I was a pre orderer... but as far as I am from europe and the price difference between buying directly from gh (adding shipping costs and tax) is not much more then ordering from vapefiend or verdampftnochmal... I am considering buying it from a european retailer (e.g. vapefiend...
  16. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I also thought about this... but was to lazy using both ghs at the same time.. altough it would be the same and make no difference... when hopefully getting back both of my ghs I will try this... @Mr. Me2 this honeymoon will never end, but be aware of the addiction to this bitch and all the...
  17. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I own a dynavap og but to be honest it is a nice vape but no alternative for my ghs... it does not produce such big dense clouds as the ghs... the boundless vapes seem to be similar to the mighty, crafty... I sold my crafty because it did not fit my style of vaping... I am m8re the one hit guy...
  18. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    ok so both of my ghs are malufunctioning... one is on its way to ghl already... and for the other (replacment gh) I filled a warranty request... so I put out yesterday my e-nano and I am missing my ghs allready... the e-nano is not really a substitute for my ghs... so after my plan with one...
  19. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    If the grasshopper is working it is really the best vape I ever had... I have two ghs... one I send in for repair (cop lights) for the third time (did get before that the body replaced) I experienced until now 3 time cop lights one time red light then turning off and now immidiatly blue light...
  20. btka

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    did I get it right.. you cleaned your hopper before sending and received it gunked up... so they us3d it with herb? do they repaired your gh or only checked it if it is working all right and send it back to you stating it is behaving normal... 7f they repaired it does it works now better... e.g...
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