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  1. hinglemccringleberry

    Dynavap VapCap

    When I first got my Ti Vapcap it was the same deal. I went to town with 91% iso on the tip and condenser tube and it took many many Q-tips before iso swabbing wasn't producing any 'gray matter' on the Q-tips. IIRC, after a few swabs, it appeared to be all clean when swabbing with a dry Q-tip...
  2. hinglemccringleberry

    Why I medicate daily with Cannabis

    There's no blanket guarantee that cannabis will treat cure or prevent anxiety and depression... For me cannabis highlights/amplifies whatever is going on in my life emotionally and mentally. So if times are good, I use some weed and things are great. If times are shit, I've learned the hard way...
  3. hinglemccringleberry

    VapCat Chat

    @Ricardo does your area have any delivery services?
  4. hinglemccringleberry

    What style of vaporizing do you find most effective?

    Holy shit, do you have lungs the size of the Goodyear blimp?
  5. hinglemccringleberry

    What style of vaporizing do you find most effective?

    If using THC I can only do quickies. Keeps my tolerance in check. Longer sessions are for when I'm blending with CBD or doing CBD only. I can't do long sessions with THC bud only, it's a waste of weed for me and being so stoned I can't function isn't my idea of a good time.
  6. hinglemccringleberry

    Vaping cbd flower in place of thc *regular* flower

    YMMV. It completely depends on the strain, quality, etc. I have some fantastic Suver Haze greenhouse CBD that kicks vapor with the best of them. There is also lesser quality CBD out there that has abysmal vapor production. But the same can be said for THC flower...
  7. hinglemccringleberry

    Dynavap VapCap

    IDK, my $13 three-flame Vertigo has been rock solid for a few years now, no signs of breaking anytime soon... I'm not judging though. I spent $150 on a stem :lol:
  8. hinglemccringleberry

    Dynavap VapCap

    The first Dynavap video I ever watched 5 years ago had George saying to quickly blow the herb out of the chamber with your mouth on the mouthpiece when the session is finished. Sometimes there's a very blurry line between talking about a VapCap topic and having a scientific debate...which can be...
  9. hinglemccringleberry

    ISO replacements. WTF?!?!?

    One bottle of iso lasts me like 5 years. Actually I still have a bit left in a bottle I got in like 2010. The words of someone who doesn't own a Mighty :lol:
  10. hinglemccringleberry

    The Wim Hof Method Thread

    I first discovered WH via @biohacker on this forum 3 years ago. I've been doing it off and on but started doing it more regularly about a year ago. Every night before bed I try and do anywhere from 1 to 3 rounds. I've been doing cold showers daily for over 3 years as well. Wintertime showers are...
  11. hinglemccringleberry

    Simrell Collection

    I don't like the DV O-rings because the one at the mouthpiece collects mouth crust buildup and it just looks nasty. And it's a hassle to clean off. With the Simrell Ti stem any mouth gunk that gets on the end of the stem can be cleaned off with like 1 drop of water and your t-shirt.
  12. hinglemccringleberry

    Fuck you !!!

    A liquor store in my area got busted and fined $10k by the city because they were price gouging bottled water...
  13. hinglemccringleberry

    Simrell Collection

    Big hands, get the long. Small hands, get the short.
  14. hinglemccringleberry

    The Wim Hof Method Thread

    I am a Wim Hof disciple. Honestly my life would be so much more fucked up if I hadn't discovered him...
  15. hinglemccringleberry

    Dynavap VapCap

    Some people don't like the SS mesh screens because they claim it gives off a weird metallicky taste. Every time I've mentioned SS mesh on this forum someone always chimes in about this lol
  16. hinglemccringleberry

    Corona Vaping

    Oh comon now, somewhere between 10% and 30% of what he says turns out to be true :lol:
  17. hinglemccringleberry

    Dynavap VapCap

    I have nothing of value to contribute right now, I just wanted to get in on page 2000. The VapCap changed my life. There, that's valuable enough.
  18. hinglemccringleberry

    Corona Vaping

    Anyone watch London Real's interview with David Icke?
  19. hinglemccringleberry


    Most likely user error.
  20. hinglemccringleberry


    0.05 of CBD bud blended with 0.01 of THC bud in the VapCap.
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