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  1. VWFringe

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    I won an Omi from Weedtracker - yeah! I spent months trying, but finally got lucky. It will be a prized possession, and i will always think of the time I spent reading this thread, and the time I've imagined the Omi people have put into answering all these crazy posts, not just to make a buck...
  2. VWFringe

    False DMCA Take-Down's Used to Sensor Info from Google Results

    Fake DMCA's are being used to sensor the Internet, by blocking Google results. If you look for stories and notice a Google DMCA notice prevented some results from being shown, you may want to look a bit deeper...
  3. VWFringe

    Swedes May Leave EU Over Ban on SNUS I noted in this article that they don't do things in Europe for public safety, sometimes it's just politics... Like banning the sale of a tobacco product that doesn't cause cancer, and preventing...
  4. VWFringe

    Study: Non-Psychotropic Plant Cannabinoids Counteract Prostate Cancer Growth

    Thanks for finding this, Vicki ! Someone medical I spoke to cast doubt on the cannibinoid receptors being able to trigger cell suicide successfully (they thought it was an expression of the cancer that more receptors would develop, but said they wouldn't work right). I'd read about MRSA...
  5. VWFringe

    Anybody Else Have to Turn Down Their Vape Recently?

    I noticed I had to turn down my vape about a week or two ago, I believe because of the changing of the season. Is this common? My Hakko has just the metal tube instead of a glass HC, and the dimmer-switch I use to control it usually doesn't stand adjustments of more than a degree or two, but...
  6. VWFringe

    "Give Me a Break" Americans Against Food Taxes TV Ad 2011

    here is their (other?) Superbowl ad from last year - I caught this one during the game, and said to my wife, "they're appologizing for making us fat," but it's really just trying to distance themselves from it, I think, not appologize at all. it's like car manufacturers announcing their...
  7. VWFringe

    Colorado Senate Fails to Pass 'D-U-High' Bill, Rejecting Unscientific Limit for Blood's THC Content

    maybe t-dub meant if it weren't an MMJ state it would have passed? I was thinking that's why the issue got raised there. Federal DOT study in 1993 showed we're safe to drive after thirty minutes, as long as no alcohol. That they've been able to cover this up and ignore it in the media and thus...
  8. VWFringe

    Obama's respons (to the F'ing raids in Cali this week)

    yeah, I'd suggest, gently... "Be a cautious news consumer," and you'll never go wrong. There is some controversy around the Dream Act, but it's *probably not reported fairly. If you go looking for articles you'll see the other side, and then I'd like to hear what you think, not just about...
  9. VWFringe

    "Give Me a Break" Americans Against Food Taxes TV Ad 2011

    this is not free speach, as it was intended, and to lie on television should be illegal. I think that's one of our core values, even if we recognize it's not the case. there ought to be a law tho they shouldn't accept ads from front groups and the evening news shouldn't lie or withhold...
  10. VWFringe

    "Give Me a Break" Americans Against Food Taxes TV Ad 2011

    "Reverse Engineering" What We See On Television... I guess this was a SuperBowl ad from 2011 I watched it out of curiosity on Youtube just now, but immediately thought to myself, knowing what I know now, that no group of citizen's would ever be able to afford Superbowl ad time, and no group of...
  11. VWFringe

    Obama's respons (to the F'ing raids in Cali this week)

    I just saw a video on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and it's making me think of his reference to Federal Law, and the emotional emphasis I can imagine he placed on the statement. Maybe what they're saying is their needs aren't being met, and they don't want to change anything until they feel...
  12. VWFringe

    How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Taxes

    Off topic, but I heard China is quietly "paying off" the factory workers who strike (lots of labor strikes in China lately). It is expected that American wages will eventually rise as a result of wage increases demanded by the Chinese factory workers, as the movement travels across the globe...
  13. VWFringe

    Joke thread

    Interviewer: "Tell us a bit about yourself." Me: "I'm anal retentive and easily get distracted" ~ will I ever find a job? hahaha
  14. VWFringe

    The Scriptures...on Cannabis

    "And your yoke shall be removed because of the anointing oil" Isaiah 10:27 I've found a page online which describes cannabis through history and in the Bible. I guess people throughout the ages have been able to recognize a good thing, and promote it...
  15. VWFringe

    Nonviolent Communication

    I went looking for training videos for non-violent resistance, and finally found this... this is helping me break another lens I've looked through most of my life, and (hopefully) deliver me from making acerbic analyses. (now to learn something that'll stop me from following a fact with...
  16. VWFringe

    Charges against Simpson withdrawn

    I cried when the name clicked, towards the end. So disappointed this hero, or sorts, is being treated this way.
  17. VWFringe

    Jimmy Kimmel Calls Obama Out at WHCD

    Where would Obama be today, if he had been caught smoking pot in college, and had all his loans pulled and was kicked out of law school? That would have been a joke I'd like to have heard directed to the president. The president doesn't seem to incorporate the fear we live in, to what policies...
  18. VWFringe

    Jimmy Kimmel Calls Obama Out at WHCD

    it shouldn't be about growing the economy, it should be about taking proper care of our citizens who cannot enjoy life the normal way, through emotional connections. All the arguments revolve instead around how to get the addict to drop the pipe, without offering anything meaningful in it's...
  19. VWFringe

    How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Taxes

    One dominant narrative in our culture says that corporations should not be taxed, I'd like to suggest to everyone who believes this that you have been exposed to long running propaganda through our News Media. The 1% make up the news each night, and we gobble it up, addicted to the...
  20. VWFringe

    How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Taxes

    WE HAVE TO DEMAND A CHANGE< AND NO REPATRIATION HOLIDAYS!!!! ALL OF THAT MONEY MUST COME HOME, AND MUST BE FULLY TAXED. DOES ANYONE DISAGREE WITH THIS? (I don't see black kids holding nothing but skittles and ice tea as a threat (or as a gang-banger) but we can agree on this)
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