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  1. JeeSee

    Good Videos to watch when you're Vaked!!

    If you're stoned and you're not watching this, you're not wasting your life right. A friend of mine and I, we're planning to make a dubstep remix of this.
  2. JeeSee

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Baths obsession.
  3. JeeSee

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Tricky? Did it combust or something? Or just not vaporize right?
  4. JeeSee

    The Magic-Flight Box

    This post got completely overshadowed by the whole DasBlunt thing, and I really urgently want to know - do you guys have any experiential info? Edit - For those late to this party, I'm referring to Vitolo's method as exemplified in this video...
  5. JeeSee

    PUFFiT portable

    Haha thanks, but I prefer 'GC' if you must abbreviate. :) Two years?! Obviously you don't own an Android... I've used the phone only three months and I need to charge it twice a day. Considering replacing the battery already. :p I guess we can only wait for the verdict now over months of use...
  6. JeeSee

    PUFFiT portable

    But the warranty is only 90 days. What happens if something goes wrong after? You have to buy a new vape?
  7. JeeSee

    What Did You Last Watch?

    Control. I honestly don't see why everyone's made such a huge deal of this movie. Perhaps it's because I'm not a Joy Division fan, but it just didn't appeal to me. The style got old in a hurry, and there was nothing much there after that beyond watching Ian Curtis go through the motions. Sam...
  8. JeeSee

    What Are You Listening To?

    I agree, Herbie Hancock is the man. Anyone associated with Miles usually was. I'm listening to They Won't Go When I Go by Stevie Wonder from Fulfillingness' First Finale. I've really been getting into his classic-era albums.
  9. JeeSee

    Sick Judge on Medical Marijuana: It's a "Human Rights Issue"

    Nobody wises up until they're put in the spot. I'd respect this man much more if he arrived at this conclusion minus a cancer... but something's better than nothing, I guess.
  10. JeeSee

    What Are You Reading?

    You're welcome, it's nice to find someone else interested in the same field as me here! I myself possess a copy of Syd Field's 'Four Screenplays', and although it was very interesting to see how he studies Dances With Wolves (lovely screenplay and film) and Thelma and Louise (likewise), I mainly...
  11. JeeSee

    Cannabis Cup 2012 - Who's coming?

    I hate to dampen your enthusiasm, but it's a bit of a commercial scam if you ask me. I certainly can't see anyone getting their money's worth.
  12. JeeSee

    What Did You Last Watch?

    Hell yes Breaking Bad hi-five! GoT... let's just say I'm one of those douchebag purists, I've been reading the books since I was 17 (just recently finished A Dance With Dragons) and I honestly believe the series doesn't do them justice. Rewatched Drive (again) because it's just the best fucking...
  13. JeeSee

    Recovering from TB... should I vape?

    I understand, which is why I was looking more for info from someone around here who might be in the medical profession.
  14. JeeSee

    Are we alone?

    To quote Mr. Sagan, "I try not to think with my gut. If I'm serious about understanding the world, thinking with anything besides my brain, as tempting as that might be, is likely to get me into trouble. Really, it's okay to reserve judgment until the evidence is in."
  15. JeeSee

    What Did You Last Watch?

    Title is self-explanatory. Could be a TV show, could be a film, even a play. Post a couple of sentences to recommend/otherwise. I recently watched the first (and last :'() season of Terriers, one of the most fucking amazing first seasons I have ever seen - right up there with my favourites...
  16. JeeSee

    What Are You Reading?

    Title is self-explanatory. Just post what you're reading currently, and maybe a couple of sentences as to what you think of it. You could be reading multiple books as well, of course. I'm reading Rabbit, Run by John Updike, which has the potential to become one of my favourite novels. I'm near...
  17. JeeSee

    What Are You Listening To?

    Title is self-explanatory. This is one of my favourite threads in any forum, didn't find it here. Moves along really quickly and you often find some nice music. Just post what you're listening to at this very moment (it doesn't matter if it's music you like or dislike- you can always write...
  18. JeeSee

    Smell and portable vaporizers

    From what I heard, if you clean the MFLB with Isopropyl Alcohol regularly it won't smell. I'll find out when I get my own soon. :p
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