Old member, but haven't been on here too much lately. My hobbies shift, bit currently back to vaping :)
Solara dna 30
And soon to have a kayfun v4
Got my solara dna 30. Matched it with a silo tank and coil.
Seems this coil can't handle above 8 watts, but still blows clouds.
I'm now looking towards kayfun v4 and some japanese cotton.
Can't put this thing down.
So, I am about to order a box vape.
Solara dna 30. Been doing some review watching and it seems easy to use enough.
It costs much more than the $20 sticks that are variable voltage from 3.3 to 4.8 volt. But they are terrible for vaping I'm guessing.
So anyways, I do not know much about vapes...
Ooh yes I've heard that also about how all Japanese swords came from Korean origins and evolved over time.
I've also heard that the curve of the katana had to do with clay covered heat treats, but guess is speculation.
Hmm I guess eventually I'd want different and all era swords.
Hello all!
Tried searching but could not find info on where to to find replacement parts for thermovape revolution.
The ceramic part that heats up no longer heats up, being quite expensive I'd like to replace the broken part rather than buy a new one.
If anyone could help that would be great!
Oh then you won't want to look at any darksucks products haha.
ready-made and alpha blue flashlights range from 200-500 a piece...
ugh someone showed me a rockstead higo zdp folder, retails for under 1000 but is gorgeous! Claims to be one of sharpest folding knife available with long edge...
I like my revolution, I just the sticky wax burner more. Don't be mad about it, just preference.
I just don't see thermovape as a 'best of the best' yet, though they are Showing potential.
But if they start to act like 'apple' and charge extreme prices because they can, they're not going to...
I'm about quality as well.
I'm a chef. Knives are very important for me.
However, if one knife company starts charging too much, guess what? Some other company will offer the same steel, geometry of steel, and finish for a fraction Of the price.
Does a $5000 sashimi knife perform better...
I vaped about a gram of blond og wax through the sticky and it works fine.
It had a funky taste the first time, but the thermovape tasted the same the first hit.
So far, I am impressed with the sticky, now only if I could order more. Seems they sold out since I mentioned it.
Let my coworker...
Is there a difference in using the TV battery base opposed to ego style batteries?
I noticed the TV rev top screws on to my ego twist variable volt and it heats up.
Twist pen gets 4.8 volts while TV battery goes 3 volts?
I would try different wax, but I usually pick up 1/4 or 1/8ths of it so I'm pretty much stuck until the wax is gone haha.
Don't get me wrong, the TV CAN get good vapor, it just takes forever to get there. Why I ordered 6 more batteries!
I doubt thermovape will raise the already steep price of...