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  1. Newcastle

    The NEWS !!

    Its all speculation at this point! We have no idea what and how it went down as of today. How about that Obamacare?
  2. Newcastle

    Arizer Solo

    Its out for delivery. I don't know if I click something now it will update the driver. I will make sure someone is here. Tell the kids DON'T OPEN IT! I will do the burn offs that you suggest. Did you use it afterwards or does it require a recharge.
  3. Newcastle

    The NEWS !!

    Yea it's not like there is anything else we could talk about......Maybe all the politicians that were arrested the other day for corruption. How about that Yee! He is from San Francisco and was arrested for gun trafficking....That's some ironic shit right there!
  4. Newcastle

    The NEWS !!

    My theory....Possible hijack from either the pilot/pilots or the two with fake passports. Took the plain up to subdue the passengers and they lost consciousness also....Plane flew on auto till it ran out of gas........Something like that.
  5. Newcastle

    Arizer Solo

    Mine is out for delivery. Did you have to sign for it c76man? I can't wait and of course there is a chance I won't be home when the mailman gets here. I wanted to double check as to break in. I am going to charge it until the light glows solid. Then after that try not to again so it doesn't...
  6. Newcastle

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Now that don't make good sense! How can one fit but not the other? Not that I think I am right just don't get it. Hey it looks like his new website is up. I don't see a way to choose wood type if ordering the e nanno. I am sure they will work it out.
  7. Newcastle

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Yea I didn't try that. I don't use that set up so won't have a whip to scrape. With the SSV wand and hose it doesn't juice up the hose like the elbow hose. I am looking forward to reclaiming the wand after it gets good and sticky. Liquor store here I come. I think A bath in a little everclear...
  8. Newcastle

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hey I have a question on epicvape glass. Have any of you tried it with your Solo? Planetvape has been out for a long time and I noticed that they moved back the date again. The epicvape glass looks nice and less expensive by a little. Will the GonG fittings work in particular? Thanks!
  9. Newcastle

    Arizer Solo

    So only the straight stem is larger? Should I use the bent stem until it loosens up and then go to the straight?
  10. Newcastle

    Arizer Solo

    I am a noobie here but have a lot to say. lol Cosmos If you are only buying the Solo with no extras and really need to save 30 bucks then go for it. If your going to buy a few stems and maybe a EdsTnT stem or a few other goodies then I would email Randy at PUI. You know the old saying you can...
  11. Newcastle

    Arizer Solo

    The Puffitup guys are awesome! I had an ordering snafoo....all my fault and they fixed it before it shipped. Then added another order at a discount and still it will be here two days from order. Randy and the crew are awesome. You could save 20 or 30 bucks on fleabay but what happens when they...
  12. Newcastle

    help chosing first desktop vape

    420democrat I warm it up maybe 5 minutes. I load what ever I am using ELB, wand or cyclone. I let it warm up a couple minutes. After 8 or so pulls on half packed wand today I reload and do it again. Wait couple minutes more like one cause I don't have patients, I go through this routine three or...
  13. Newcastle

    I've been outta the game for a while. advice needed

    Solo with an EdsTnT stem for the porch! PIU for under 200 bucks to your door. I can't wait for mine to get here! I think I will put a lawn chair next to the mailbox and camp out till it gets here!:wave:
  14. Newcastle

    help chosing first desktop vape

    I have the Q and it is doing the job but there are lots of mods and toys that I have to make it work like I want. I spend about 20 minutes per session. I am tired of long sessions. I just ordered the Solo and I hope that will help. The reason I chimed in is as I started reading your post I was...
  15. Newcastle

    Arizer Solo

    Back to planet vape being out of glass. We talked about the stems from Epicvape fitting. I wonder if there GonG's would fit? I see no reason they wouldn't.....??????? Anyone????
  16. Newcastle

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I think that the reason Tweak likes the 10 is because it has a larger capacity. The Nano is putting out a lot of vapor at once and it can handle it. The Q or others put out plenty but not in the same ballpark. Am I wrong? So for Davesmith the wp010 with a nanno you should be GTG....Order it!:clap:
  17. Newcastle

    Arizer Solo

    I got the OK from my financial adviser that I could purchase a Solo. I kissed her and she went off to work.:love: Here is where things no point do I blame anyone but myself and I love to tell on myself when I do something stupid....Here we go. I ordered through PIU and used the...
  18. Newcastle

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I have both.....the 10 is the backup for the D020. For vaping I like the D020 best. Congrats on the Nano!
  19. Newcastle

    The iScale from PuffItUp

    I had a good laugh at your pic.....You have about 2000 dollars in toys and a 20 dollar scale.:rofl: I hope you don't think I am making fun of you. I think if it works it doesn't make a rats ass what it cost just if it works. Thanks for you help Vitolo! I feel like I have to buy one now with all...
  20. Newcastle

    The iScale from PuffItUp

    This scale looks pretty small. What is the largest amount you would/could measure on it. One oz. two? It looks like two would cover the whole scale. I need a scale that would measure 2 oz at a time or less.
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