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  1. Kevdog420

    Is the Arizer Solo the best option for my needs?

    Awesome thanks! Yeah I might just have to buy this bad boy. Just saw it on ebay for $130 and free shipping. I also was wondering, what is the newest model number for the solo? I want to make sure I am getting the latest solo.
  2. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    The micro vaped is the same as the dabbler/sticky wax, a metal coil wrapped around a wick surrounded by a ceramic cup. Here's some pics of the vaped glass globe: (the whole unit, with egoc battery) (the used heating element) (a brand new heating element) The gentleman's cart USED to be a...
  3. Kevdog420

    Is the Arizer Solo the best option for my needs?

    Hey guys, how would you compare your solo to a set top unit, like the herbalaire (my set top). I am really thinking about getting a solo but I've had bad experiences with portable vapes besides pens. They just don't seem to get me medicated enough, or they are too harsh, taste nasty, take too...
  4. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    dude look at that video, Its a used silica wick and its falling apart, its the same type of wick that is on our vapes. I can see on my wick that it looks like its fraying. And its a risk Im not saying your for sure inhaling glass.
  5. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    Honestly I don't have any gentlemans products, just heard stuff from people who own them. But you don't need any evidence to understand that glass fibers in your lungs is probably not such a good idea. I mean its your call if you want to risk getting glass in your lungs, I'm just trying to...
  6. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    Well either way, these fibers of glass can't be good for you if inhaled. And carts like Gentlemen's that are wickless are probably a better bet as far as health goes.
  7. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    They are made from scientific fiberglass, but it still is fiberglass, they say in that thread it is quartz fibers. I mean isn't fiberglass technically fibers of glass????
  8. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    Why don't you guys try out a gentleman's cart with a 501 battery? Very cheap and it's possibly one of the best carts on the market. Made out of stainless steel, ceramic, and nichrome with nothing else. It doesn't have a wick, and its backed by a very good company. After having my glass globe...
  9. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    Well the globe does have a wick I was wrong. the heating element is a metal coil on top of a ceramic cup and the wick is very secure, I'm going to do more research on it. I'm telling you it's the best invention for vape pens since they started. I've gone through 2 O-phos, my roomate had a g pen...
  10. Kevdog420

    Any suggestions for a good Pen for oil?

    Hey man, check out the glass globe from I just got one and they are great, the best part is they are somewhat inexpensive, and made out of glass and ceramic. I also have an O-phos from and I like it, but it contains fiberglass in the cartridges so that makes me...
  11. Kevdog420

    New to Vaporizers

    I would disagree with you here - MFLB's are entry level, but the fact is they are just that. Almost everyone I know on this thread who started with an MFLB graduated onto a different vaporizer including myself. While the MFLB is somewhat inexpensive, for an extra $50 you could get something that...
  12. Kevdog420

    New to Vaporizers

    Yeah man no prob! Just remember in the vaporizer world, looks aren't everything, and buying a vape just for the looks is a sure way to leave you dissapointed. Pen style vapes are sleek and sexy - trust me I bought one for this reason. But what I've found out is performance is everything...
  13. Kevdog420

    New to Vaporizers

    Best portables out there for herb (just some to start with) - Solo (probably the best), Pax, persei with hercules, pinnacle, vaporblunt, minivap(very expensive). If you use concentrates look into these pen style vapes - Microvaped(, Omicron (all models - v2, o-phos, persei), gpen...
  14. Kevdog420

    Next best bongvape to the Cloud?

    I can second this.. Honestly it's the best vape for the money according to what your looking for. I've used most of the vapes mentioned in this thread, and while some have nice fancy features, the HA competes with all of them in terms of efficiency and vapor production. I have also done things...
  15. Kevdog420

    Best Cheap 510 Battery?

    Hey guys I'm looking to buy a glass globe attachment for 510 threading. this is the glass globe: Anyways I'm looking for the best battery that can be used for it. I also need it to have USB pass-through. I have an O-phos but I'm kinda new to...
  16. Kevdog420

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    I wasn't aware this could be done without damaging the cart? Could you explain how to do this or link me a thread explaining it? Thanks!
  17. Kevdog420

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Thanks a lot for the responses, this clears things up for me. For now on I will just load the oil in the cart before trying to oxidize.. But the factory oils and fiberglass still worry me a bit; wouldn't the factory oils/grease still be present without pre-oxidizing? I know the taste can be a...
  18. Kevdog420

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Okay why shouldn't I be pre-oxidizing?? Everything I have read including info from D9 says to always pre oxidize, so is this all wrong? Also I have had this same chemical taste problem on the 2.4 carts, so i dont think i am melting the seals, as i am very careful how hot i let the carts get...
  19. Kevdog420

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Hey everyone, I have a question regarding the build of the omicron/o-phos cartridges. I have an o-phos and recently i bought a new D9 1.5 cart for my vape and I pre-oxidized it and everything, when i went to load it still tasted like chemicals. I was kind of worried about that and so I did some...
  20. Kevdog420

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Ok so I've tried to charge it with 2 different chargers for around 4 hours. still the same flashing light and it happens with or without the cartridge.. and Im not sure how to start a ticket. Thanks OF!
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