i was the same as a kid. had a friend try to give my Van Halen's unlawful carnal knowledge and mom popped her top when she found it. like i had any idea what 'carnal' meant and they really were pro-rape :rolleyes:.
a year later we moved to the NW which had 3 (!!) rock stations. a buddy played...
i can't read it. no spaces at the end of sentences makes it hard to tell when a thought stops. my brain literally shuts down, lol. my loss, i am sure
the heater getting wet is bad
S.F. to be transformed into Gotham City for 5-year-old’s Make-A-Wish
yea, i finished out that series ^^ last night. really enjoyed all of them. if you like gibbons, you might like the josh homme video i posted. the mention a tap that gibbons uses in a lot of his work that goes unnoticed.
keep playin' out there!
ok, i decided to slow down on the RS and do the rhythm guitar path for awhile first. lots of players seem to recommend learning rhythm or even bass first. (can see why you picked up the bass, @jambandphan03 )
am almost done w/ 3th & 4th string work. should be on to the last two by monday or so...
yea, i pretty much use it only w/ my dry tube, but when my throat needs a rest or i have company it goes in the matrix clear. only piece that fires well due to restriction of the sub.
nice! did you join the 60 day challenge, @NinjaMindTriks?
i am up to 3rd and 4th string exercises so i now know the open D - G on the low E (third fret); this means i can read musical notation up and down the entire stave (new word) in the key of 'C'! they have me playing 'yankee doodle', 'when...