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  1. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    OK. So I kept searching (that damn Glass Acquisition Syndrome) and stumbled across this. :drool: My cousin and I will split the cost. Around 70 US shipped. It will be our smoking piece when we get...
  2. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    You're my hero. :)
  3. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    OMG! I loved that little thing upon looking at it. I think I have a winner. It comes out to 31.96 with shipping to the US for me. When I said male joint I meant it to mean mouthpiece. I didn't know what to call them and went like, well it curves in...male joint. It is a wide mouthpiece. Female...
  4. thisperson

    The NEWS !!

    "We provide them security. We're providing them resources and we're providing them alternatives. And the alternatives are different crops to grow. We're getting the seed and the fertilizer to do it. Um. They can rotate any of their crops that they want. If they want to get rid of their wheat and...
  5. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Thanks for all the replies guys. I do like that green bubbler. I'm sad to say that I may have to push my purchase date back. I got infuriated today and smashed a window with my fist. It was like an I should have stopped myself and maybe could have but didn't want to and just went ahead. I...
  6. thisperson

    Cancer spread to my lungs

    Have you tried Rick Simpson Oil for your cancer? I remember reading that that is very effective in tumor reduction and I saw pictures of a man who controlled his skin cancer by applying weed oil to it on bandages. I want to say he was completely cured. If I...
  7. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hmm. I was liking the male style joints on the first two bubblers I linked, and would want that if getting a bubbler. On the bong I do like the female joint because it's wide and would just look comical with a conical opening. At least to me. And you are probably right about the splash guard. I...
  8. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Nah, that's a bong. I already found several bongs like that. Thanks for the link though. I really want a double honeycomb bubbler but all I find is ashcatchers. Looks like I'm out of look, at least in the price range I want, I'm sure with enough money I could find one... I probably will end...
  9. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Yeah looking them over I really like that the bowl piece is farther away on the first piece than the others. I will be grabbing it by the stem most of the time and don't want to burn myself. But then I look at that bong and go. :). :drool: Although I prefer the honeycomb system just because it...
  10. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I've started to get mesmerized by glass now and can think of nothing better than a fat (wide) bubbler or bong to take dabs off of. I would prefer if it was one piece. I've already been searching the DH stores and found something but would like to see more variety to select from. I'll keep...
  11. thisperson

    Get high trough your vagina, if you have one... lol.

    This sounds like the start of a good time. I want to have sex with a girl who uses this to see what it's like. I'll probably end up trying it later in life once I'm settled down and have found a wife. But yeah I can see some sick fuck raping girls and spraying this on them as someone pointed...
  12. thisperson

    Moving on… Help me grow a food forest for you, for me and anyone you care for!

    So I was rweding the Canada Legalization thread and it led me to here. I really want to know how this went for you OP. I had this dream as well but decided to go anotger route. If you have not moved, I noticed no one really made any recomendations, then I suggest you consider Twentynine...
  13. thisperson

    Gear D-nail thread

    I didn't know about that product. Thanks for the direction. It is a bit pricey but it seems to be exactly what I want. I really liked the attached water bongs some users have. I'm curious as to what type of nails there are. So far I have surmised that there are coil in glass nails where the...
  14. thisperson

    In search of Stealth Portable - Suggestions Please!

    Sorry. I meant vapes. Doesn't vape when on only when hitting. But you understood me. :)
  15. thisperson

    Holding in your hits

    So the study has an interesting note on its first page. It mentions a study which found that holding it in actually increased THC levels. It messes up text insertion. It must be protected in some way. But I found this very interesting. It also goes on to cite two more studies which did not...
  16. thisperson

    Holding in your hits

    I checked out the link someone posted a page back. It was this one. The two studies it cites are: [1] Block RI, Farinpour R, Braverman K. (1992). Acute effects of marijuana on cognition: relationships to chronic effects and smoking techniques. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behaviour, 43(3)...
  17. thisperson

    The WISPR vaporizer

    I was intrigued by this system's butane use but just wanted to post that that doesn't sound like a very good deal. You break your Ipad 2 apple gives you an Ipad 1. Granted at your request but I think there is something wrong in this picture. I really like the unique design and powering...
  18. thisperson

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Kind of off topic but money is really important. I find it is always best to have some for when you need it. It is even better to have more than you need to not worry about expenses. I had even been told that happiness doubled in the 20 to 40 k salary range. I do not know how happiness was...
  19. thisperson

    Desktop vs. Portable

    I agree with your sentiments OP. I had tried dabbing but never on my own until last week. I chain smoked and ruined my tolerance. Now it is either wait for it to go down or buy more dabs, since my usual set up (weed oil in clearomizer) doesn't work for me anymore. And I do like the weed oil...
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