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  1. tuttle

    *UPDATE #2*: EasyVape - Vapor Genie - MyrtleZap - Supreme Vaporizer

    Very nice review, and nice pictures. The first thing I did when I saw them was to look at the EXIF to see what took `em ;)
  2. tuttle

    Modding the SSV...

    You can absolutely put small amounts in the SSV and and it will deliver. The problem is that the large bowl doesn't encourage efficiency (the exact same thing with larger shopping carts and larger plates, without realizing it you tend to put more on / in it, that is why the carts at places like...
  3. tuttle

    Ughhh.........It's sooooo smokey outside........and HOT.!!

    Thanks for the props on the pics :D It feels like forever since I picked up the camera, and although it is a horrific fire, it was interesting to take pictures of. It was the first time in my life I have seen a pyrocumulus cloud with my own two eyes. Hmm, pyrocumulus, where is that name the...
  4. tuttle

    Modding the SSV...

    Well, inspired by the DIY Hakko + SSV heater cover thread, I dropped the Hakko #A1177 60w heater into the SSV yesterday. Why not just do the full DIY Hakko mod you might be asking; I like the ability to pack away the SSV quickly and into a small package, which I don't think I could do with a...
  5. tuttle

    Starting a Vaporizer Company - Name the company and get a free vape!

    That sounds like something you leave on a porch, ring the doorbell, and run away :P Perhaps something like Vapor Attache would be less suggestive :)
  6. tuttle

    Starting a Vaporizer Company - Name the company and get a free vape!

    Guerrilla Vapes The Vape Insurgency NOOD (Non Olfactorily Offensive Delivery)
  7. tuttle

    Da Buddha

    It is possible you have contaminants - finger oil, dirt, metal powder resulting from the insertion of the heater into the bushing that holds it. They use the same material to make sharpening stones (which is why it can pick up metal traces when inserted into the bushing), the sharpening stone...
  8. tuttle

    Da Buddha

    From the Silver Surfer site: My guess is that the line you are seeing is the seam from rolling the heating element before sintering. The ceramic heaters that I have seen all have this seam, so I wouldn't be too worried.
  9. tuttle

    Starting a Vaporizer Company - Name the company and get a free vape!

    Ha, Good Humor would be good :)
  10. tuttle

    The Picture Thread

    No pic, no post. :(
  11. tuttle

    Iolite vaporiser

    If you are willing to wait, you can email to get free replacements.
  12. tuttle

    Starting a Vaporizer Company - Name the company and get a free vape!

    CannaLung CannonLung YKFTK (You know, for the kids) The Temporal Distortion Directive Vapor Proxy Ockham's razor
  13. tuttle

    Starting a Vaporizer Company - Name the company and get a free vape!

    Steam Pipe Fat Pipe Dream Pipe
  14. tuttle

    The Picture Thread

    An older one I did, playing around with a sound trigger that I promptly burnt out when trying to add a delay circuit (my digital logic classes are many many years behind me in collage) I got A few good shots out of it though, one of the better ones:
  15. tuttle

    Starting a Vaporizer Company - Name the company and get a free vape!

    At the rate that this naming contest is going, I would suggest Vaporware ;)
  16. tuttle

    Any Good Ice tea recipes

    One recipe I like is to slice about 1/4 - 1/3 of a ginger root (about the thickness of a quarter), simmer in 8 cups of water with a wedge of lemon for 10-15 minutes, strain and add honey to taste. You can also get a pretty good mint tea by throwing a hefty sprig in a cup of boiling water...
  17. tuttle

    Is Brass Safe?

    Vaping is a skill set similar to that of a renegade air conditioning specialist ;) I'm not at all trying to say that lead exposure shouldn't be mitigated when we have the chance, and I commend you for being transparent with your material choices so a potential buyer can make an informed...
  18. tuttle

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Most people here choose to go with the Tygon brand from US plastics, I just went with McMaster #51135K35, the standard silicone high temp tubing, which is pretty cheap. It has an operating max temperature of 392f, but its high temperature range is listed at 500f. It has been great for me, and...
  19. tuttle

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    How fast are you drawing? Try setting the temperature knob to around 1:00 to 2:00 and try and make a draw last 15-20 seconds, see if that helps you out.
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