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  1. biojuggernaut

    The WISPR vaporizer

    The orange bumper from the supreme will probably fit onto the silicon stem. Can anyone verify this?
  2. biojuggernaut

    The WISPR vaporizer

    interesting. Is there any way to par this up with glass?
  3. biojuggernaut

    Arizer Solo

    good job. what blue thing are you using for a sealant?
  4. biojuggernaut

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    what else is new ;) :lol:
  5. biojuggernaut

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    skyrim and hyped for star wars: the old republic. Most expensive pc game ever is what wiki entry says.
  6. biojuggernaut

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Herb chamber look great. Sucks thinks still looks forced air though. :/ Didn't know what S&B had in mind with this one. It seemed they missed releasing this vaporizer back in 2007. There is still hope left if you can seal it to a large tube so there is no vapor waste imo.
  7. biojuggernaut

    The HI

    That is indeed a turbo tube. The metal stems are a little more 'through' (precision on a little bit rather than accuracy on a lot), but don't taste as good IMO. The Silcon brand tubes are good for sharing with friends, and the the metals bowls are better for maintaining medication throughout...
  8. biojuggernaut

    The Magic-Flight Box

    a little dash of iso on the end of a cotton swab. I let that sit for a 24 evap and hit it up with the hair dryer. I vape accordingly normally in a log vape; you don't want the cotton to get too hot.
  9. biojuggernaut

    The HI

    Replaceable heating element and little charring of the wood due to island design.
  10. biojuggernaut

    vaping as expectorant / decongestant

    Some BHO hits make my nose run so much I can't breathe and gag in the morning and have to yak. So it is a double edged sword.
  11. biojuggernaut

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    I feel that way with a lot of games. :lol: For science!
  12. biojuggernaut

    Underdog Log Vapes

    You are speaking of heat delivery (active) not heat retention (passive). They both similar heat retention and the dog varies due to adjustable screen. This is adjustable to 13v and might help
  13. biojuggernaut

    Underdog Log Vapes

    bump that puppy's voltage up.
  14. biojuggernaut

    Underdog Log Vapes

    so what do we have to do to reserve a micro twig?
  15. biojuggernaut

    Cleaning with Isopropyl Alcohol...water wash after?

    I think tht mean if you are going to smoke out of it direct there after cleaning it. I always wash off all the ISO but so do you. So would any body. In fact, I am a little curious as to what you are asking.
  16. biojuggernaut

    My Stash

    :o :o
  17. biojuggernaut

    Starting to think vaping is not the answer....?

    THCV is indeed the highest in terms of amount of psycotropic activants. But uh, dude I'd say your south as long as you are using your jet torch + vector, beeline, water diffusion. I just can't rationalize smoking solo because I like to hold in my hits.
  18. biojuggernaut

    Got it

    Vape that shit!
  19. biojuggernaut

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    don't leave it on all day. Only have it on when you're using it. It takes all of three minutes to heat up that glass up.
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