Search results for query: inhale Butane exhaust

  1. VaporGenie

    Alivi8 Vaporizer (portable pipe)

    Hello This is Dan From vaporgenie. A customer alerted us to this thread. After reading it, I thought it would be a good idea to respond to comments made by EYE1DER, the Alivi8 manufacturer, and explain a few things about this product. We have purchased, used and inspected the Alivi8, and have...
  2. Qbit

    vaporizer questions?

    Well, wait till you have your DBV before deciding on your portable vape. The problem with the VG is that you're sucking in butane exhaust, which, depending who you talk to, may or may not be something to be worried about. Check out the Magic Flight Launch Box and Lotus vape threads. The...
  3. DaveWaves

    The Magic-Flight Box

    After almost 35 years of smoking various tobacco products and placing a whole lot of other unhealthy stuff in my body, I'm not going to pretend to be on a health kick here. I intake many unhealthy substances (often intentionally) on a daily basis, so I'm sure butane and lithium are not that...
  4. Vicki

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I've always had my suspicions that these carcinogenic materials are causing non-smokers to get lung cancer. That being said, I certainly don't want to add to the ones I cannot control, and these things will always worry me to some extent. :)
  5. lwien

    The Magic-Flight Box

    See, I never could understand this argument of "we breath in crap all day so this is insignificant", when in reality, it is all cumulative, so for those that have real concerns, it is totally understandable why they wouldn't want to add anything, regardless how small it may be, into an already...
  6. frogbmth

    The Magic-Flight Box

    My thoughts on the whole butane / battery thing is this. There are minute risks with both. There may be some impure butane, or it may not burn correctly, but then batteries can give out lithium. We walk down the street and inhale huge lungfulls of very toxic car exhaust, breathing while cooking...

    Iolite vaporiser

    The mesh isn't the moisture condensor - it's a small cylindrical metal piece that fits inside the mouthpiece stem. Pull it apart and if it's not there it'll be in the bag with your spares. The 7 hole mesh screen fits in the bowl with the screen facing out, followed by the spring washer to hold...
  8. niall

    Iolite vaporiser

    The pathways are separate, but they're not very far from each other. The intake draws from around the bowl and (looks like) primarily through a gap on the top of the unit where the bowl meets the housing. If your unit is firing in an enclosed space, then it's reasonable to assume you'll be...
  9. niall

    Iolite vaporiser

    It runs hot as it is so small - its portability and size is the tradeoff for running temperatures. I for one would rather have portability and small size. Adding insulation would jack up the size considerably, and the price, and it would not be such a great fit for your pocket. There's a...
  10. M

    Iolite vaporiser

    I would like to second that notion, lol... :lol: :lol: I have done the research, I think the majority of us have... Just google it bro, when you see the picture that shows how the parts work on the inside, then you see that the butane is processed a completely different place, chamber...
  11. stickstones

    Iolite vaporiser

    I don't remember the particulars, but I seem to recall the II team explaining that the exhaust was not harmful. The only danger to confining it is perhaps overheating if it can't cool itself down. I don't think there is any way you can inhale butane with this unit...correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. niall

    What would you change on the Iolite and why?

    A lanyard hole at the top of the unit. It would be really, really handy to be able to have a wrist-strap to secure the iolite like a digital camera, or hang it around your neck. Some kind of locking mechanism for the bowl Every newbie I've seen picks it up by the mouthpiece stem unless shown...
  13. R

    Iolite vaporiser

    Am I the only one who found the answer about CO to be unacceptable? First off you say it uses considerably less than a space heater etc... that is fine but I think we as a consumer still have a right to now what level it gives off so we can make informed decisions. Unless I missed it I don't see...
  14. vaporcloud

    Best Portable Vape?

    Plenty of threads on here to help you make a decision Omni. First welcome to FC ... hope you hang around and post a few. For portables there is quite a bit of info about the vaporstar, vaporgenie, VP600 and the new kid on the block The I-inhale. But unfortunaltly not a lot of info about the...
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