Search results

  1. C

    Phattpiggies Wood Shed

    So I went through most of the thread and went to look for an inventory or website and couldn't find one. Is there an area to order? Gallery? Looking fwd to grabbing my own beautiful stem.
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    The Flip Brick by Sticky Brick Labs

    Folks having trouble, keep at it. I had trouble at first when using with water. I then tried it dry and booooooooooom. It was so much easier to control. Both with my tube and jhook I linked earlier You get a distinct whistling sound when doing things right.
  3. C

    The Flip Brick by Sticky Brick Labs

    Throwing this into the jhook pool. Love it. It's long and works well.
  4. C

    Dynavap VapCap

    Got a quick question about modularity of this device. I own a ti woody and love it. I'd like to retain my ti tip, add a glass body and wooden mouthpiece.... How do I go about doing so? Is it possible?
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    Dynavap VapCap Anybody ever use one of these? Just ordered a pair
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    Dynavap VapCap

    So I just placed an order and I'm really excited to get my order. Is there a recommended torch lighter that anyone would recommend? I want a single flame to play with temp and technique.
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    Drug war hits a new low....

    ill take is an interesting last name for 1000, alex? LOL
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    Drug war hits a new low.... how can this be ok?
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    Mystery Vape Message Contest

    Not A Smoking Aparatus. Didnt they say one of the guys worked at NASA or some shit? its got NASA in the saying and its highly relevant.
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    Mystery Vape Message Contest

    Every day is a good day. Live long, live well. Be You. Sweet vape, bro. Be green today. Be happy. Be happy.
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    Cautionary edible story.

    definitely gotta start slow. I remember my first time eating some edibles with a friend. We were very surprised with the results. Tweeks hit it with the rule. Staying home is my only edibles rule. LOL find the right dosage and its wonderful though.
  12. C

    Would you vote to Legalize Everything?

    yes. with the only regulations being how much someone can purchase at a time. tax it like other vices in our society. we need to change how we view drug addicted people. they should be viewed as people wtih an illness, not criminals. not to mention that im 28 years old and should be able...
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    Bleak's Stoner Photos thread

    dude. honestly, ic ouldnt be any more jealous right now. great pics.
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    Meme the Hammer & Win

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    conspiracy theories

    its hard to know what to believe soemtimes.
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    Where do you get your news?

    Pretty self explanatory. Looking for a better place. Interested in global happenings and american news mostly. I am sick of hearing about non news stories on my news website. I used to go to BBC, but was looking for something different. Please include where your from to help separate the sites.
  17. C

    New MMJ State (MA) What to Expect? Find Dr?

    i cant get cannamed to call me back.....ive left my name and number there twice. in the meantime i tried to get an appointment with my physician and the woman at the front desk told me "marijuana is illegal" and she hung up on me. I promptly called back and asked for my medical records so i...
  18. C

    Because this Website has turned into an Ad a day Thread.......

    this is a community. we learn, and help each other. Reading thruogh an entire thread might not be ideal, but it will serve you well. I recently purchased a used unit from a member and read through the entire 100+ post thread. I learned a great deal about the product and usage. Tehres also alot...
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    I had an interesting encounter today

    I wrok in the educational field for the development of cirriculuum and standardized testing. Today I was in a class and got roped into filling in for a teacher. Whatever, we were doing some classwork and a man walked by dressed in construction garb. He was carrying a toolbox and was in the...
  20. C

    Vaporizing causes severe paranoia after T-break...

    glad to hear things improved for you. hopefully your positive vibes continue and that shit goes away.
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