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  1. bluntfaced

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Got mine off my front poerch about 5 minutes ago, just cashed my first bowl almost this thing fucking rules!! Thanks vapenow for the free 2 day air mail can't wait to ski with this and see what other random places I can get keyed
  2. bluntfaced

    Vapor Genie to Fill Bags(Ghetto)

    My launch box is coming today!! I never vape with a lung though. If you do it right the bowl cherries right away so hardly any butane is necessary or you could use hemp whick.
  3. bluntfaced

    Vapor Genie to Fill Bags(Ghetto)

    I use a lung for smoking, they are the shit. I have a bowl from a pipe tht screws into the right size whole on a lid. Doesn't work for vapor though. I've tried holding a packed bowl to my extreme element on max temp and also pulling it through the whip, neither worked very well. If you really...
  4. bluntfaced

    Cant figure out what vape to get

    Or you could step it up to a zephyr ion and let us all know what's up.
  5. bluntfaced

    exhaled vapor

    You're all good man, no reason to worry.
  6. bluntfaced

    Cant figure out what vape to get

    Get an herbalaire or an extreme which you can get online for a little more than 250 after shipping and what not. Herbalaire - durable, super efficient Extreme - All glass on glass, tastes slightly better, integrated fan (no pool pump) Check em both out they are both nice and depending on your...
  7. bluntfaced

    Swapping spit

    You can always have people rap their hand around it so it creates a seal with no lip-to-mouthpiece action. I do this sometimes.
  8. bluntfaced

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    My remote works pretty well. I've accidentally left bags running because the remote wasn't working (doesn't work if there is no line of sight). The bag won't pop, vapor just gets pushed out between the mouth piece and the bag. The buttons are a little hard to push and it's a little finicky but...
  9. bluntfaced

    The Magic-Flight Box

    That's exactly what I thought about when I read his post too. The smokeless bong!!
  10. bluntfaced

    Swapping spit

    you must have a cool job. Flaming the mouth piece always gives me piece of mind too, everyone has piece of mind except the stoned mofucka who thinks I'm lighting the blunt at both ends
  11. bluntfaced

    The Magic-Flight Box

    It would possibly set off a metal detector? You'd have to take it in your bag, It probably looks pretty weird under an x ray so there's a good chance you'd get your bag searched and they would find it, smell it, you're fucked. I'd put it in checked luggage, not worth the risk post 9-11.
  12. bluntfaced

    Is this website Legit?

    You might get a fat head ache if you smoke all that legal bud
  13. bluntfaced

    List of Recommended Retailers + Deals

    Nope, vapenow because I needed the extreme elbows as well. Still hasn't shipped :/
  14. bluntfaced

    Total Vape newb needs help in making first purchase

    Go for the extreme man!! I was gonna say herbalaire but if you dn;t like it you don't like it. It is very burly and can take much more shit from your stoner friends than the Da Buddha or extreme. It's funny people are still saying get a PD though :uhoh::uhoh:
  15. bluntfaced

    Total Vape newb needs help in making first purchase

    G for an extreme, great for solo or groups of up to four. Does whips and bags. Great vape for tinkerers like yourself. All GonG joints so you can hook it to your bong very well.Wide temp range and right inside your price range.
  16. bluntfaced

    List of Recommended Retailers + Deals

    I ordered a launch box kit ans some extreme elbows totaling like $106 and the FC coupon didn't work. No big deal just thought I'd share, it said it didn't apply to anything in my cart. Is itonly good on a single item totaling 100 dollars? Still hyped though, can anyone tell me how fast their...
  17. bluntfaced

    Getting sick from my new Herbalaire!!!

    This is happening to me right now with my extreme. YOu figured any good ways to beat it?
  18. bluntfaced

    The Vape Pen - reviewed

    Don't get all butthurt Moe he was simply being critical of a website that you presented to us... You realize not everything on the internet is true right?? "But personally, I would be careful about publicly saying someone is lying on their web site about their product. But that's just me.''...
  19. bluntfaced

    Maine becomes 5th state to allow pot dispensaries

    Pharmecutical companies taking over worries me as well but I find it hard to believe that they would start distributing nugs. There are already synthetic and part synthetic thc pills like marinol that you can get subscribed by a doctor and pick up in a pharmacy. The thing is no one wants that...
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