It's quite simple isolated carcinogens and other negative by-products from cannabis combustion has not been proven to cause cancer nor COPD. The problems with vaping is even though you get rid of some nasty chemistry (combustion) you've got a host of other potential issues (dryness in air...
"repeated exposure" is probably always the culprit when inhalation is the case (look at environmental toxins like paint fumes, asbestos etc)
The issue with me about dry herb vaping is that many of us got into it as a "healthier" alternative to combustion. There are some positives for sure but...
Great stuff! My conclusion at the end of the day is that dry herb vaping is not proven to be healthier than limited combustion (maybe a J a week).
The vapor qualities of heat hitting the back of throat, terpenes and possible grow chemicals might actually make dry herb vaping worse than...
Do any of you clean the tubing you get for the MFLB? There's wood on one end of the water adapter tube and I wasn't sure if I should run some water through or just use the tubing out of the box straight? (which I did)
You couldn't pay me to buy a cart!I tried it a few times and within less than week I throw the thing in the trash with the battery. Something about it just doesn't "feel right" to me. Maybe e-cigs have the potential to save lives of tobacco smokers idk? but weed vapes and the sound of the oil...
From a vibrational perspective while trippin on an edible listening to Natalie singing "unforgettable" can I ask that we be kind to one another here? My good pal @invertedisdead has always been more than generous with his time and expertise here with me and many others.
Let's keep things civil...
What technique are you guys using with a stem and with a water adapter?
Do you pulse hit it with a bong? or just the stem?
Do you warm it up a few seconds before pulse hitting it with a stem?
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the share just read the pdf you posted and my suspicions of inhaling any kind of heated oil seem well founded no matter how pure the material is. I'll mess with flower vaping til I kick it to the curb and that's it!
It's crazy but true how different smoking weed and tobacco really is. There's a study that goes back 30 years or so following high school students that smoked weed and followed them years into their adult life and concluded cannabis smoke did not cause clogged arteries! This was told to me by a...
Thanks for your expertise I shall use the MFLB in honor of the good people of this forum thru a water-piece this evening to celebrate with ya'll!
For some odd reason the MFLB seems to kinda work best for me but I'm not gonna poo poo any options! Maybe I should buy a quartz rig and give it a go...
We don't have any data on smoking cannabis being the cause of death for any user. To the contrary we have data on combustion that is very positive and shocking how it is completely different from tobacco smoke on the human body. I've wondered if some of these studies have an agenda or...
Yea brother your right as usual! I'm just in an anti vape mood from having a sore throat that might be a combo of vaping (maybe not) and possibly talking too much (probably the case as I've been on the horn about 3 hours a day raising my voice to be heard) ;)
Decarb weed chewed raw and ice...
The cartridge thing is still a cheap battery pen and there is no such thing as a quality pen with no solder or any other cheap materials......I've gave it a go a few times and just end up throwing it in the trash.
Totally agree brother 100% I always respect your opinion and expertise and generosity in sharing! Maybe I should go the rosin route it's just so messy and I don't want a rig or e nail or quartz banger or any of that type of stuff. Plus when I tasted Rosin it seemed a bit funky of a taste and I...
Vaping nicotine to get off cigs could very well be "life saving" especially for pack a day smokers. To me that's a completely different topic.
Combusting 1X a week or taking 2-4 or let's say 8 tokes or less per day of combustion fora daily user (especially medical) with some breaks will give the...
Are you dry hitting the MFLB or using a water tool? MFLB is basically the only vape I trust as far as manufacturing concerns go. Yet throat irritation is an issue for me so I'm laying off at the moment.
Vaping seems to be easier on my respiratory system and the lack of carbon monoxide poisoning is a benefit of vaping that I've experienced in a big way. 2-4 tokes of combustion per day is my idea of micro dosing yet this might be too much. Decarb weed eaten does work well for me and is probably...
Hard to look at the S&B tests and not ask yourself if it's biased since a manufacturer was behind it. I'm in one of those "dry herb vaping is not healthy moods" due to the variety of vapes I've went through and either getting stuck with a throat irritation or a chest irritation. I could make a...