Search results

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    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I'm still searching !!! What did you learn when searching ? I've narrowed it down kinda to fc187, fcmod, and symbiartic ht from sss... Open to more suggestions as well! Been reading this thread for hoursssss
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    isn't this the FC MOD?
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    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    from which supplier? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hey guys! Looking for a piece from Dhgate for my vapexhale cloud evo. So far from lurking this thread I've come to three options: FC-187 (which model and seller should I buy from?) FC-MOD (iffy about the size of this thing)...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    dhgate or american glass? use the evo more bro!
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Hey is your Cloud evo your daily driver? what water pieces or attachments have you gotten and feel is best so far? Searching on dhgate.. such a hard decision. looking for a recommendation! any chance you can help me out?
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Hey what is that adapter on top of your rig? is it to prevent the bowl from falling into your piece? Hey is there a consensus of the good 18.8MM pieces for the Evo from Dhgate?
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Is there anyway I could get a TL;DR on the currently agreed best way of using the Evo? I currently have a hydratube from Dhgate, but worried water would fall into the unit. Right now waiting for my friend to replace my D020-D that he broke. I think I threw out the bands thinking they...
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    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    First time QWISO .. 91% ISO, put into a pyrex and then boiled water, since my place has NO ventilation i went down 6 flights with boiled water and put it under the pyrex outside the building. took 2-3 hrs. What do you guys think ?
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    Reclaim 101

    Hi. Looking through this forum there isn't a thread that truly explains each step, and disclaimers for each step. So far I've read: 1. put Arizer Solo stem in Shot glass full of iso, flip it when the bottom is done 2. pour iso solution through coffee filter 3. let it evaporate? questions I...
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    ISO Reclaim method

    Hi. Looking through this forum there isn't a thread that truly explains each step, and disclaimers for each step. So far I've read: 1. put Arizer Solo stem in Shot glass full of iso, flip it when the bottom is done 2. pour iso solution through coffee filter 3. let it evaporate? questions...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    So in all honesty is the Cloud evo worth that 350 investment? Do you wish you waited? I have an arizer solo.. not sure if I should take this jump or not.
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