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  1. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I am in the same situation. I hear you can also go a step further and do the 350 perk and still retain your warranty on the cloud +. I am leaning towards this at the moment, as I don't see it worth it to have the cloud + go to waste. You can also trade in your broken cloud for 50$ store credit...
  2. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    After 16 weeks my cloud plus has stopped heating. Like last time it was working fine the night before but the next day it just stays red. I was hoping that it would last until October at least, if not for much longer. My first cloud lasted about 3 months I believe. I can't think of anything that...
  3. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Hey- Yeh. I Really like space, a lot of stars and solar systems have really unique sounding names that might match well. Nebula, Astra, Cosmo - Cosmos , Alpha Centauri, It would be easy to team something up. I think I like VapeXhale- Nebula - Cool space term, Puts a picture in my head of a...
  4. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Not much here. I just got a look at what the new model will look like. Clone would probably be a poor name now though it sounds ok, suggesting its just a clone of the cloud. This version kind of reminds me of kubricks monolith in 2001 - I could see that being compatible with this type of...
  5. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    VapeXhale - Clone I thought this would be acceptable - Something that would suggest a cutting edge high tech device, with solid efficiency and consistency. I actually would like the name to be more fung shway- Have you ever thought about how fung shway (water and air) the vapexhale cloud and...
  6. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    :mmmm: When the elbs are clean I find them pretty easy to part.
  7. Vessel

    I bestow to you, the awesome reward. () {}

    I bestow to you, the awesome reward. () {}
  8. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    420 is lame
  9. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    A design contest would be cool. Have cut outs that would fit around the cloud and have artists try to come up with a cool and well fitting design, Then maybe have them paint their theme or design on a blank cloud shell themselves.
  10. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I am glad they got rid of the green and red flashing lights at the end of the cycle. The elbs seemed to have improved slightly as well. I believe they are a set width at the bottom but closes in slightly in diameter towards the top, comparing them to the old elbs there is this slight...
  11. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I just got my cloud and had the same thing happen as sativa lover, my glass bamboo joint was all the way down. I was able to push it up with some lite but direct force, made a sort of crinkling sound but it did move up. I want to get it in the right position, I think its alright now. Haven't...
  12. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I always imagine using all my elbs in a bullet belt Space cloud cow-boy. Sublimating Flowers through out the moon lit night.
  13. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    My unit has been shipped out, should of been here today but it went through this mentally incompetent shit head detour(wtF). Tracking it, i see my package has gone from PA to another city in my state 400 miles away, now its again about 400 GNIKCUF miles away from me in the complete opposite...
  14. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I am getting ready for my return Does anyone know if the new cloud pluses will have the new cloud smell ? I don't hear much about that, when I first got mine it took awhile to dissipate. ************************************************************ Because. .. Your going home, your running...
  15. Vessel

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I just rediscovered this and its more bad ass now than it has ever been before in my experience. I think I've learned out to effectively use it well enough to where it really isn't to big of a hassle. It works well enough I'd say that it is really nice to have along on random outings, though...
  16. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    You should clean that- Doesn't that inhibit smooth elb slide-age, and get your elb's gunky really fast. Clean it now, perhaps .
  17. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Hey ernie ! I am sure Vapexhale will take care of you, thou it may take some time. Be patient, and don't be afraid to voice any opinions or concerns to them, in email. The support team has been pretty fair with me so far. Best of luck.
  18. Vessel

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Its coming In less than one week It...............................C ...................................L Will...............................O ......................................U B......................................D E....................................P...
  19. Vessel

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Not ghetto - That term has a bad rep, not that its a good thing to begin with. Its just aluminum which throws me off and personally something someone young a naive would waste money on. I felt spot on in thinking that at the time. But now that you mention it... That's a really good idea-...
  20. Vessel

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    That looks straight up like a' mother doesn't know i smoke, omg I am so high how many bong tokes can you take' type combustion piece. For forty dollars you could do a lot better.
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