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  1. withoutbliss

    ELB (easy load bowl) issue and solution

    "ELB" is apparently too short or too common to search for in the search bar so myb if this has been covered alrdy or I should be posting somewhere else <3. I recently received my Cloud Evo. Unboxed her with no problems at all. Went to load up an ELB from my jar of pre-ground herb. My fingers...
  2. withoutbliss

    Legal Vapor Cloud Chasing

    Good point, i'm not sure what makes it considered industrial. I ended up with a supposedly "organic" hemp but I mostly vape other herbs since hemp is a bit too relaxing for an everyday herb.
  3. withoutbliss

    Legal Vapor Cloud Chasing

    Good to know, check valerian off the list. It's definitely worth looking into getting some hemp flower if you're looking for a filler for you bud or to just get a relaxing body high (dunno if you could even call it a high). For $15 + free shipping for 40 grams on ebay, you can't go wrong.
  4. withoutbliss

    Legal Vapor Cloud Chasing

    I'll have to look into getting some White Sage once I'm able to sell some of these other herbs I'm not going to use. Organic White Sage is on the pricier side as well but if it has great clouds and positive effects on breathing than that sounds worth the cost. Smart shops are hard to come by...
  5. withoutbliss

    Legal Vapor Cloud Chasing

    I plan to give hops a go here soon. That one is double the price of the others I bought so I was hoping I'd find another that was good enough. Lavender is a bit too flowery from my experience and Chamomile is a good sleepy herb so I ruled both these out. The ethnobotanical thread focuses on...
  6. withoutbliss

    Legal Vapor Cloud Chasing

    Vaping through a Mighty to find the best legal herb for daily clouds. Looking for legal mostly for the convenience of price (gotta save bucks somewhere after buying a Mighty i suppose). Here is my evaluation of 9 herbs I picked up from HerbCo. Great Vapor Production -Wormwood: Thickest vapor...
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