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  1. dapatcho

    Nova by Doug's Woodery

    I'll give the suggestions a go for sure @coolbreeze @bestvaping if the weird post-session scratchiness continues to stick around for a day or two the piece may just not be for me and I'll be visiting the classifieds section lol
  2. dapatcho

    Nova by Doug's Woodery

    The seller didn't remember the woods used but here's a photo. Doug on Instagram said it looks like "walnut with a bloodwood bookend." First brick-type, coming off of using an Xlux Roffu infrequently. I guess I can try and hunt down a second screen? You're referring to the fine mesh that the...
  3. dapatcho

    Nova by Doug's Woodery

    Nova's intake looks a decent bit longer than the Cosmo so I am probably at less risk of combustion. I am using a Vapman Jet Lighter for reference. I guess it's just practice for now and see how it goes? It doesn't feel bad much at all during my session, I do cough some, I just feel "sore" after...
  4. dapatcho

    Nova by Doug's Woodery

    Starting to wrap my head around this thing. My seller gave me a J hook and a WPA adapter which was nice of them. I've noticed flame positioning is a little hard but I think I am getting there. My bowls are quite small as I am a bit of a lightweight. Would a more well packed bowl make it more...
  5. dapatcho

    Brick Showdown - SB vs Doug vs O'Connell

    It's a Solid Bookend with two darker woods, I haven't heard back from them but I can ask for the specifics.
  6. dapatcho

    Brick Showdown - SB vs Doug vs O'Connell

    I've seen pretty consistent sentiment that /most/ people who have a Sticky Brick and a Nova prefer the Nova. I might have someone in my area selling one for $150CAD which would be pretty solid, but I'm wondering if I should just wait and save until I can get a TM2 and call it a day.
  7. dapatcho

    Brick Showdown - SB vs Doug vs O'Connell

    Does anyone have a Nova *and* something from Sticky Bricks to compare the two? I'm eyeing the Nova or the Runt for at home use, or maybe the Jr for on the go-ish
  8. dapatcho

    The Runt from SBL

    I'll carry over to the comparison thread, but I'm not sure what you mean by U-turn vapor pathway. Is it a separate glass piece to use in addition?
  9. dapatcho

    Nova by Doug's Woodery

    Ah great thank you for this, I should've been a bit more thorough with my searching!
  10. dapatcho

    Nova by Doug's Woodery

    Does anyone own both the NOVA and a Sticky Brick Runt? I am eyeing one or the other as an "upgrade" from my Roffu
  11. dapatcho

    The Runt from SBL

    Does anyone own both the Runt and Doug's Woodery NOVA? I am eyeing one or the other as an "upgrade" from my Roffu
  12. dapatcho


    Sounds like I am pulling too short/quickly! I have been using the steel chamber, and have the glass mouth piece WPA adapter thing and the squigly cooling unit is not in. I will also try covering the intake some.
  13. dapatcho


    Does anyone have any tips to get the heaviest high with just the unit itself (no glass)? I don't really care to savour flavour or anything like that and just want to get stoned. Right now I just set a session mode at 400F for 6 minutes and puff away. Could I be doing something better/worse/more...
  14. dapatcho


    Ty for this, I'll do some more nosing around for a store I can physically go to to dodge shipping but I don't think I'll have any luck
  15. dapatcho


    I honestly can't find anywhere in Ontario/Montreal that has these capsules in a brick and mortar store. Not really going to start calling every single random vape store to see haha
  16. dapatcho


    I got a set of Rogue dosing capsules and I'm not sure where they go? I had figured they would fit in the chamber but the capsules are too big it looks like. Obviously I feel like I'm missing something, or just that the dosing capsules I got are the wrong size. EDIT: Well if you're in...
  17. dapatcho


    Where did you get a hold of the stainless steel mesh? I've got some capsules on the way and want to minimize how many components I'm using. I imagine the metal chamber with no screen, capsule, and then glass WPA as mouthpiece? Plastic grommet removed, maybe a screen between the mouthpiece and...
  18. dapatcho


    Anyone have a spare dosing capsule or two they don't use any more? Let me know if this is something more appropriate for classifieds. Will take the Roffu ones or any capsules that fit really. I think that includes Xmax V3 Pro and POTV One capsules.
  19. dapatcho


    Got it sorted! The glass chamber was sitting flush, turns out it was "clicking" into place while the metal chamber was not. Made the metal chamber work by pressing down quite firmly while also twisting and it clicked in.
  20. dapatcho


    Which part is the CU grommet? Yeah it's a little hard to justify, especially if someone's got extras lying around I could always just pay for postage on an envelope with them haha.
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