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  1. freddiegibbs

    Volcano Hybrid

    Has anyone ordered from Weedipedia and know whether it comes with new parts?
  2. freddiegibbs

    Puffco Peak + extras, Crimson & Magna Carta + extras, Ditanium + extras

    Hey guys, I have several items for trade. First, what I am seeking is a Volcano Hybrid, a TinyMight, a Huni Badger, and any glass bubblers for the Huni Badger (besides the Honeybird). Possibly a Cloud Evo in good condition. What I have available is: A Puffco Peak with blue OEM glass...
  3. freddiegibbs

    Huni Badger (electric nectar collector)

    Got my shipment from dabnation today and instead of a huni badger it contained a focus v carta, as if I really needed a 4th one of those :\ Hope anyone else who ordered from this vendor actually gets their kit. I called and spoke to someone there who told me they could only resolve this via...
  4. freddiegibbs

    Huni Badger (electric nectar collector)

    I live in Vegas as well and pulled the trigger on this great deal. Hope they honor it. I also picked up the bubbler for $35 at Dispensary West today with their 30% off accessories sale.
  5. freddiegibbs

    Focus V Magna Carta Holy White bundle with extras, custom glass top (separate)

    This is the Holy White Magna Carta from Focus V Products that came out a few months ago. Limited to 1000 units and sold out. Only used 16 times according to the app and works like new. In addition to everything included in the original Magna bundle, I added a bunch of extras. Here's what you...
  6. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    I've used my SiC and ceramic cups plenty and have yet to crack a top, so ymmv.
  7. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    It's tight enough, but not snug like the fitted cups are - hence why swabbing seems to dislodge it. If I take another dab without re-setting the cup first, it doesn't heat properly. So since I swab after every dab, I simply remove the cup to reload it with material, so I can re-set it. Works...
  8. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    I have to re-set mine every time I swab it, which seems to dislodge it from the heating plate. Just unscrew the cap and re-position it.
  9. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    This is an odd comment that seems really out of place in this thread. I've owned every iteration of the Carta so far. I also own a Peak and a Switch, and by this point I've gotten to try the Oura and the Rok. I'd still take my OG Carta over any of them. I don't think I understand your comment in...
  10. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    Idk how many ways I can say it works well and I like it, works well and I like it :) I'm happy to have bought one, and I haven't used anything else for a few days. Will probably start using SiC again when I get a non-plastic atty cap, as it gets a little too hot even on level 1.
  11. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    The outside of the cup and the inside of the atomizer are squeaky clean. Some oil collects on the inside groove of the splash guard, but that's just the design doing its job.
  12. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    I stopped using the stock quartz a while back after it was having issues with the newer atomizers. But I've been maining the EQ for the past couple of days because it works great with the everlast atty. Oil is completely activated and ready to puff by the time the lights turn green at level 2 and 3.
  13. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    It's flat. You have to center it on the heating plate and screw on the cap to hold it in place. Works great though.
  14. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    It's removable like all the rest. You can see it on the left here compared to the others.
  15. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    I like it. I probably won't use it much, as I prefer the overall performance of SiC and easier cleanup of EQ. But I think ceramic makes smoother, tastier hits than quartz in the crimson everlast at level 2. It can be torched back to pure white, but SiC and quartz just need a swab. If you like...
  16. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    I would suggest trying again. They have been nonstop busy for a while now, so I'm not surprised that some inquiries fell through the cracks. But they've also hired a few dedicated CS people recently who have been doing a kickass job of servicing the ever-increasing customer pool. If you don't...
  17. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    I got mine in person. From what I understand, the pre-ordered crimsons haven't shipped yet, so I'm not sure when the beta units will go out. But yeah, hell of a substitute. The generosity they've shown the beta team is an embarrassment of riches. The crimson is beautiful in person - a deep...
  18. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    This thing works a little too well. I will probably be picking one up to complement (replace?) my ZC connector. The maker is @tonykazyglass, who has also created some spectacular dragon headdies for the Carta. Actually, all of the pieces I've seen from the Flame Off have been pretty spectacular...
  19. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    Lol, what? I got a free Magna Carta.
  20. freddiegibbs

    Carta by Focus V

    Wait, you're actually mad that they sent it to you in bubble cap box? Why? I also haven't used the sic insert in a couple months since Randall had his prototype, but from what I remember, level 1 is too low. You have to use it at temps similar to the quartz bucket.
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