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  1. Jayvape

    Discontinued The Splinter by RBT

    I recently got a splinter v1 and a splinter z v2. I installed myevic firmware on my rx gen 3 dual mod and set up tcr mode using sneaky pete's video. Tcr works great with the splinter but when using the splinter z the temperature reads either between 10 and 50 degrees or 900+ degrees. I found I...
  2. Jayvape

    Milaana II by RastaBuddahTao

    I'm having some hotspotting trouble and just general use with my milaana. I got it about two weeks ago so I'm still somewhat new to using it. For the most part I seem to be getting hotspots in the center of my bowl. I've tried tamping down lightly and just not tamping at all. I've tried slow...
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