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  1. FLskwat

    next generation e-nails?

    ok I now have received the new torchless pyromid, much more sturdy then the previous electric dabvenue temp temple: New one: Old one: And I have done a nice discovery that I had to share here on FC! OK I usually use Joe Halen quartz e-nails cause they have amazing flavors. At first Joe sent...
  2. FLskwat

    Going domeless in Spring 2014

    OK let me clarify here a little! Joe Halen's quartz nail are the bomb and very expensive but the quartz quality is superior, and these Mofoz are hard to break I can assure you (several falls even hot from high: never broke!) The ones you are showing are not for e-nails, they are domeless...
  3. FLskwat

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    Thx again for that...of course the EUFCer is me... I like the RooR Flush Recycler for its looks, for the big water volume and the very unrestricted airflow. It's our office daily driver these days! ;-)
  4. FLskwat

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    ROFL sorry... You should create a poll for the diffy pump on MD... ;-) maybe with luck you can get both for the price you would have put in the fair...
  5. FLskwat

    Recyclers - Discussion and Appreciation

    The diffusion pump is IMO one of the best glass designs EVER out there... this pieces is for me THE ULTIMATE flavor saver. This been said 8 big slits like those is IMO still ok for dabbing. Gridded would have been overkill for concentrates I think!
  6. FLskwat

    Massdrop Sales

    Boy I was thinking about contacting you... Such a gentleman! Will follow this by MP! I agreed with that and still partially do (got my torchless pyromid for a VERY REASONABLE price) and then saw all the included items nails/adaptors/box... I am also "intrigued" by both the handle and the...
  7. FLskwat

    EFS Glass Thread

    It works perfectly, and you can totally tune your drag to your convenience from none to chuggy... This water level was for that specific quartz e-nail which has a pretty restricted central shaft... I just wanted a lot of recycling action with a slow pull... I have been using it just at the level...
  8. FLskwat

    EFS Glass Thread

    I think I started MPing him about the piece once he asked about what price we would consider fair... meaning before the official sale's launching... @mlo4sho: it recycles perfectly and the coriolis is UNBELIEVABLE and UBER straight. The very good thing is you can and even HAVE to hit it hard...
  9. FLskwat

    EFS Glass Thread

    Check this thread a few posts above (#302) EFS= the blower who does these beauties. You can contact him directly through PM or through the mail he gives in that specific post! ;-)
  10. FLskwat

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    Hello There, long time no come here: My little EFS incycler ... I'm in heaven with my quartz e-nail! ;-)
  11. FLskwat

    EFS Glass Thread

    Who is that French piece for??? Hmmmm... ;-) I am SO HAPPY and so stoked as the piece is IN PRISTINE conditions: Welds, glass with 0 bubbles and scratches, sandblasting so sharp and nice. I asked Justin to make it female 18mm (though I'm 100% Direct Inject normally but I wanted a...
  12. FLskwat

    nettoyage des vaporisateur.

    Le heater du dabbler peut être isoifié même s'il faut pas le noyer... Tout est question de dosage et d'une bonne évaporation après!
  13. FLskwat


    Ca peut passer s'ils ouvrent pas la boite, c'est mort s'ils l'ouvrent et que y'a pas les papiers de certif. (ce qui est le cas). En gros, gardes les doigts croisés... :-(
  14. FLskwat

    next generation e-nails?

    Hmmm you can totally click off the power between dabs or at least dab session time frames (30 mn-1H?). Common, it reaches temp. in 2 mn...? I was at some point discussing with Task when he stopped his e-nail and he explained his chinese electronic sourcing was a real nightmare and that it was...
  15. FLskwat

    Electric nail? ;)
  16. FLskwat

    next generation e-nails?

    Hello hello long time no talk but I must come here to show our last aquisition for Xmas: It is the Temp Temple Electric Dabvenue (the name of the company is about to change). I am very pleased with this unit and the build quality. Let see the quality of the coils on long term. I received...
  17. FLskwat

    Arizer Solo

    C'est ça Grange, tu fais pareil que pour l'allumer Muut (t'appuies sur les mêmes 2 boutons longuement)!
  18. FLskwat

    avis inhalater xp

    Pas de contestation de ma supposition, j'ai donc vu juste... Je m'en doutais! Quand je poste en tant que pro, je me connecte en tant que pro, quand je reponds en tant qu'utilisateur je me connecte en tant qu'utilisateur. Et dans ma signature y'a ma Youtube chanel qui t'emmène sur la chaine...
  19. FLskwat

    avis inhalater xp

    2 messages pour descendre le XP pour quelqu'un tout fraichement arrivé, j'ai comme l'impression que des gens bannis reviennent sous d'autres pseudos (PEUT-ETRE ME TROMPE-JE ET DANS CE CAS LA JE M'EN EXCUSE)... Bah alors c'est pas au top les autres forums francophiles de la vapo.? MDR . Très...
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