Uh Oh, Starky and Tommy, you forgot to say something about VapCap.... off topic posts. Making work for the mods.
Oh, and I love my M. VapCaps are tops. Anyone ever have a cap that won't click, no matter what?
IME, the only real advantage to bags is like someone said earlier.... to contain the size of the puck. I use my 3x3 mostly and I can do up to 4 gram loads. After that, without a bag, the load squeezes out of the 3x3 plates and starts to suck up the rosin.
I don't press keif but I understand...
I smoke/vape about 2 to 3 ounces a week. I start as soon as I wake and stop when I go to bed. I drink 3 pots of coffee every morning. I don't drink like I used to but I was always a 12 pack-a-day plus whiskey guy. Unlike Stu, however, I died years ago.
It seems the whole world is out of replacement tips. I ordered another pen from @PuffItUp but everyone seems out of extra coils???? Even Boundless's web site. store.
Looks like a distillation condenser. Which are very available and affordable.
@kalel are you sure about the ASK FC subforum? You should be able to start a thread there. However, I don't think anyone can start a thread in the other forums you mentioned except moderators.
Now, THAT would be something I would buy. Actually, an XXL "M" would be awesome. With the glass extension, my M is about 8 inches long. An 8" "M" would be a dream. Talk about cooling off the hit with no attachments. Wow.
Yeah.... press 5 grams or less. LMAO Just Kidding. I couldn't resist.
I have used the larger 3x5 with a 12 ton and I currently use a 3 ton all in one and I love it. 3x3 is a little small for large presses but, like you, I found a sweet spot. Mine is 2 gram pucks. 3 grams give me about the same...
Anyone know a trusted USA seller who has these (the Motar) in stock?
I am wanting to get a backup and milehighsupplies is out of stock and eBay and Amazon are both strike-outs.
I did see a couple places... ezvapes and overnightvapes.com, etc but I like to deal with someone I know or, at least...
@PuffItUp .com has the terp pen on sale at 20% off. That's only $23.99 for this awesome vape. And, there no better service than puffitup.com.